Romancing Japan is a website focused on Japanese travel, lifestyle, and culture. Created by James Saunders-Wyndham, a longtime resident and enthusiast of Japan, the site aims to offer deep insights into the Japanese way of life, appealing to both potential travelers and cultural enthusiasts alike. James, originally from Australia and lives in Kyoto, shares discoveries from his extensive experiences across Japan. The website, Romancing Japan, combines personal anecdotes with practical information, making it a valuable resource for understanding Japan's unique cultural identity. Through thoughtful articles and resources, the website helps visitors navigate potential cultural shocks and fosters a deeper appreciation of Japan, making it an ideal portal for anyone fascinated by Japanese culture.
Romancing Japan is a website focused on Japanese travel, lifestyle, and culture. Created by James Saunders-Wyndham, a longtime resident and enthusiast of Japan, the site aims to offer deep insights into the Japanese way of life, appealing to both potential travelers and cultural enthusiasts alike. James, originally from Australia and lives in Kyoto, shares discoveries from his extensive experiences across Japan. The website, Romancing Japan, combines personal anecdotes with practical information, making it a valuable resource for understanding Japan's unique cultural identity. Through thoughtful articles and resources, the website helps visitors navigate potential cultural shocks and fosters a deeper appreciation of Japan, making it an ideal portal for anyone fascinated by Japanese culture.