The coffeehouse Panito Mole is located in the center of Albufeira, near the fisiocenter, and a few steps away from the V

The contact count for this company is 24. However, the actual contact count may be higher or lower than this number. Listed below are the details and financial data forPanito Mole , as provided by D&B Hoovers. This list does not include all companies that are associated with this organization. For a complete listing ofPanito Mole , please visit the company's website. You can also view the D&B Hoovers profile for additional information.

This Portuguese bakery is located at PANITO MOLE 2, UNIPESSOAL, LDA in ALBUFEIRA. The company is part of the Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing industry. It employs 24 people and generates $569,058 in annual sales. D&B Hoovers' contact counts may differ from actual counts. You can also donate to this non-profit to support the work of local charities.

Donate to a non-profit. This small business helps the homeless and people with disabilities. You can make donations to the nonprofit by purchasing a meal for the homeless. All you need to do is donate at a local shelter or soup kitchen. They will love your contribution. All you have to do is ask. This restaurant will appreciate it. The charity will be very grateful. ThePanito Molefundraiser will be a great success!