Minecraft Did Cars Therefore, Crossy Road Was The Next Step.

Minecraft creators continue to be amazed with the amazing things they discover working in the blocky sandbox game.Gamesconstructed a functioning car using Minecraft. Well, that player is back and this time they've gone further.

Crossy Road is a game where you play as chickens crossing the road. It could be described as an infinite version of Frogger. You only need to be sure to get the chicken safe however safety is never guaranteed. Well, hot off the production line of an actual vehicle, Mysticat has now recreated Crossy Read in Minecraft because they're a very skilled creator, and also a bit of a show-off (actually we're just jealous).

Mysticat once again goes through the details on how they handle the details of the entire build to provide a glimpse into the process. Although they write about this topic frequently, it's astonishing to see how smart Minecraft creators are because the complexity on show is well above what your average Minecraft player would believe possible.

The end brings it all together with Mysticat inviting friends to join in the game. This video illustrates how Crossy Road would be fun if you were a sadist and didn't worry about people dying on the road.

It's a fun end and we can't help but wonder what Mysticat is going to do next. We might finally see the return of Burnout if it is car-themed.

In more non-car-driven news you can now play with Minecraft mobs that look like Lego figurines if you prefer, fight evolving bosses, or just enjoy this impressive Star Wars build. Or not, we're not your dad.