Fleur De Sodium - A Unique and flavorful Touch to Your Meals

Fleur de selp or fleur de sel is a salty salt which forms as a thin, silvery crust on the surface of sea water as it evaporates slowly. Fleur de selp has been gathered since ancient times, and historically has always been used both as an salve and a purifying salt. This salt is often used in cooking today because it is recognized for its soothing effect on the skin. Although it is well-known in culinary circles, few cooks have heard of the medicinal value of fleur de sel.

Fleur de selp was first extracted from seaweed in Japan in the 1820s. Japanese scientists later learned that the seaweed's key ingredient, Phytessence wakame, contains minerals with medicinal values. In particular, it has high quantities of iodine and calcium. These two minerals are extremely important because they are necessary to regulate the thyroid gland's functions and to prevent hyperthyroidism and goiter. Many other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are also present in this rare weather conditions essential oil. Because the evaporation process removes most of the water, fleur de sel maintains its exceptional taste even after it undergoes the cold process.

A wide range of flavors is available from fleur de sel salts, which can be purchased at many health food stores and natural food stores. The higher the concentration of iodine and calcium, the more powerful the taste. Many people prefer the taste to traditional table salt, which they find bland and lacks flavor.

Fleur De Sel is one of the oldest luxury food brands. Its rich taste makes it a highly sought-after commodity. It can be used for seasoning, baking, boiling, broiling, deep frying, or in any other manner that adds a unique character to the food. It can be used in so many creative ways that no two recipes will ever be the same. Here are just five recipes that use fleur de sel as the main flavor.

Fondue With Mustard, Peas and Herbs: Mix one cup of fleur de sel with three cups of water or stock and bring to a boil. Add herbs, sea salt and cream if desired. Cover and simmer for approximately thirty minutes until the liquid has dissolved. Then, carefully whisk in cornstarch mixture and remove from heat.

Baked Beans, Chilies and Carrots: This is a very simple dish that incorporatesfleur de selinto the taste buds. Using a pressure cooker, cook chilies, carrots and corn until tender but not soft. Then, add the fleur de sel and salt to taste and simmer for approximately twenty minutes. Serve warm.

Salads and Other Salad Desserts: Salads can easily be enhanced by using fleur de sel as the main or secondary flavor. Combine one tablespoon of fleur de sel with two tablespoons of olive oil and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add basil leaves and cover for approximately ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Then, gently simmer for approximately ten minutes or until the dressing has absorbed all of the excess moisture. Add ice and you have a delicious salad or dessert.

The salt in your cooking needs to be balanced to maintain the flavor of the food as well as retain the minerals that are beneficial to good health. Table salt is highly refined and contains harmful chemicals and additives. Natural seawater which is full of living marine life is much healthier and better for your body. Natural sea salt is the best tasting salt you can buy. Look for fleur de sel when shopping for sea salt and home-made seawater recipes.