What You Should Know About Construction Layout Surveys

Construction layout surveys for commercial projects are a big step in the building process that will determine if the project finishes on budget, on time, on budget, and without mistakes. It is therefore important to hire the best construction company for the skills of a  professional Land Surveyor. A surveyor can interpret the plans and layout of the project to suit the design of the engineer or architect.

What is Construction Layout Survey About?

When a contractor reviews building plans for specific locations on the ground to indicate different elements of the building site, they will need the services of a construction layout surveyor. Naturally, these elements make up the system location, the house, and the building site. The process of surveying a site is also known as Construction Staking.

In most cases, the surveying process begins with identifying underground features such as water, sewer, drain, and electrical lines. The contractor works by staking above-ground elements, like building corners and interior grid lines. At the end of the day, the construction layout surveys ensure that a project is built according to the plans of the architect and engineer.

Why You Need a Construction Layout Surveyor?

Before the construction process starts, a surveyor ensures that the land is most suitable for construction. One of the best ways to determine that is to hire a surveyor that offers professional civil engineering in NYC. They can design a proper layout plan, which is a major part of a project’s success.

With their experience, knowledge, and skills, a land surveyor can interpret these engineering plans. The result will ultimately decide whether a project will be completed on time, on budget, and without mistakes.

What are the Benefits of a Construction Layout Survey?

Surveys are very useful in the construction layout planning phase, mostly because they will produce clear boundaries for the property. As soon as surveyors mark the boundaries, it becomes easy to calculate the size and shape of the property.

A construction layout survey will also reveal the following : 

    • Surface water

    • Zoning classification

    • Foliage

    • Encroachments

    • Easements

    • Joint driveways

    • Elevation changes

    • Existing improvements on wells, ponds, creeks, etc.

Marking these specific areas will help the engineer, architect, and construction crew determine what comes soon after in the layout plans.


Every landowner should take advantage of the skills of professional construction land surveyors to carefully carry out a construction survey. Hire one of the best surveyors in New York to avoid mistakes and out of the budget expenses.