
Five Incredible Dissertation Writing Tools That You Must Not

person Posted:  Sheran Williams
calendar_month 12 Sep 2022
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Completing a doctorate comes with its fair share of hurdles. A dissertation is the biggest hurdle many students face in completing their PhD. Moreover, a quarter of the students pursuing doctoral degrees drop out because they cannot finish their dissertations.

“Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), less than 2 per cent of the world's population has a doctorate today.”

So, "How do these people do it? The secret is always getting the help you need. People must get assistance from peers and professors if there's an issue. Hire dissertation writers in the UK.

Importantly, you must finish your academia with flying colours. At least, that’s what every student aspires to do. So, if you need assistance or seek the answers to small questions like “how to proofread my dissertation?” This blog is a must-read.

Where Can I Get Free Help for Dissertation Writing?

A dissertation has several steps that entail extensive research and writing. Also, the meetings like the proposal, progress check and other such meetings are like deadlines before the apparent decline.

So, here are some tools that help you prepare your papers before the meeting:

Grammarly (language editing)

Simply put, Grammarly is one of the best and most effective real-time editors. And, of course, you still have to work on the improvements. But, it's ideal fixing your paper and submit them before the deadline with the AI proofreading feature.

Evernote (note taking productivity)

It is the ultimate dissertation writer tool in the UK for notes. You can take notes in different formats like text, handwritten, pictures, and audio notes. Also, it is accessible in several languages/formats. So, you can even simply add them to your docs or excel.

Otter (dictation/transcription)

Additionally, Do you wish to write fast? Use this tool. It is an effective way to tell the AI to transcribe whatever you want. It is a tool for dissertation help online that every dissertation writer needs now and today. You can complete writing two to ten thousand words faster.

Dropbox (cloud storage)

The next important thing is not to lose your progress. Often, months of researching go in flames in seconds with a spilt coffee on the computer or an accidentally deleted file. Avoid that. Use the drop box to keep all files in cloud storage. It supports any and every format.

Canva (graphic design)

Lastly, who doesn’t want some brownie points? You don’t you? Well, glad you can now easily score them with Canva. Your one-stop graphic designing tool helps make your paper more attractive and well-formatted.

Is It Legal to Hire Dissertation Writers in the UK?

Getting assignment help is not illegal. Hiring someone to help with essay writing is not against the law. Importantly, the reason is that no such law opposes the use of assignment help services.

So, it entirely depends on the student’s purpose in getting help. It’s not that the student is trying to cheat or outsmart the system.


The government didn't make a law against it. Several universities signed a petition in 2018 that made it to the parliament. Still, it’s undecided, so it’s clear that universities want everyone to pass their classes.

Can You Buy a Dissertation?

Additionally, many a student ask this question. So, the answer is yes; you can do that. Students do it often. But, there are some drawbacks, like getting caught, failing, and plagiarism.

Also, write your paper independently, and let your intent of research shine through the writing. It’s understandable to have difficulty. Academic writing isn't that simple. Hire a dissertation writer to help at every step. Work with subject matter experts online to overcome all such issues.

Moreover, it is not cheating if you get help for your dissertation. But, ensure you write and do not let someone do it for you. So, write away; your doctoral degree awaits.

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