Fleur De Lis - A Healthy Sweet

Fleur de sels are a salty marine chemical found in seawater that forms when it evaporates to the sea water. Fleur de sels was discovered as early as the thirteenth century in France. It was commonly used as an antiseptic and a natural salt for medical purposes. It was also used in the decoration of tableware because of its hard, fine grain and color.

Fleur de sels is harvested as a fine, thin, soft crust on the exposed surface of seawater when it evaporates from the sea water. The surface is then coated with a thin film of lime or gypsum so that the fleur de sel will adhere to it. Fleur de sels comes in different minerals and thicknesses depending on where it is harvested. The best-quality varieties come from the coasts of southwestern France and the neighboring island of Corsica. The highest quality varieties have a bright green color, and some have very fine hairline fractures that are separated into fine grains.

Like all salts, fleur de sel evaporates into the sea water and is carried away by currents. As a result, there is an even distribution of the mineral content through the whole seawater column. The thickness of the seawater depends on its location. Seaways with deeper water generally have thicker seawater, while those closer to the shore have lighter water content. In areas closer to the shore, the water is usually thin enough that the fleur de sel can easily adhere to it.

Because the fleur de sel harvesting takes place in coastal regions, the concentration of the mineral in the seawater is lower. This means there is less need to screen the harvesting beds. Another advantage of this type of harvesting is that smaller harvesting plants do not have to be constructed. It also means less pollution because there is no need to separate the minerals for treatment facilities.

Many commercial fleur de sel products are made from the fine crystals found in seawater. Because it is difficult and expensive to extract from the sea water, most manufacturers use regular table salt. Fleur de sels does well in both regular salt and artificial sea salt. Regular table salt contains too much sodium and chloride, while artificial seawater contains too little sodium and chloride.

Although fleur de sel sometimes has a bitter or stale flavor, it is rarely bitter in taste. This taste stems from evaporation and is not usually due to the minerals or any other ingredients. Also, because it is made from fine crystals, it tends to retain a crystal-like texture and bounce of its own. The texture can be somewhat sticky when applied to the skin, but this is only noticeable if you scrape it off with a rough towel. The natural color and shiny appearance make it an excellent skin and hair colorant, suitable for both men and women.

As fleur de sel is mostly composed of magnesium and calcium, it is considered a healthy mineral. These elements add moisture to the blood and help keep the skin smooth, but it is not rich in iron and copper like regular table salt, making it a healthier choice than regular table salt. Because it lacks these minerals, it does not contribute to iron deficiencies, as many of the other refined sugars and processed foods do. Because of its moisturizing quality, it can help keep the skin soft, smooth, and moist, which helps with skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.

It has a somewhat unique flavor. Unlike most delectable sweets, it does not have a sweet taste or texture. Instead, it contains minerals and trace minerals that contribute to the distinctive flavor. These include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, chloride, and a combination of others. In addition, it also contains trace amounts of other flavor-affecting compounds, including vanilla (for a salty taste), lemon, rose,and grapefruit.