Are Cloth Face Masks Effective?

As part of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, a growing number of us have been investing in face masks. A high-quality face mask can provide a great degree of protection against the Covid-19 virus. What’s more, face masks are also versatile in that they can protect against other viruses too. This potentially makes them a worthwhile addition to your everyday wardrobe.

Even as the world begins to look past the Covid-19 pandemic and to the future, wearing a face mask may become something of an expected societal norm. To this end, you might want to consider whether your current face mask still offers good protection. Indeed, many of us have invested in cloth face masks which provide a stylish and fun way to stay safe. However, how effective are these? Can a cloth face mask protect against the Covid pathogens and any other nasties as well? Let’s take a look at this today to help you ensure your choice of face mask provides you with good protection against viruses that might be lingering on the air.


Are Cloth Face Masks Effective?

So, are cloth face masks effective? While they can provide a stylistic choice for many people, it’s easy to assume that they’re just as effective as other types of face masks. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, a cloth face mask is undeniably a lesser form of face covering that cannot compete with a surgical mask.

Nonetheless, though they are not as effective as some of the highest-quality face mask solutions, we would be remiss to say that a cloth face mask can’t help. Indeed, a cloth face mask can provide approximately 65% protection. Still, some cloth mask manufacturers and designers make cloth face masks to a surgical or medical standard, so make sure you shop around to find one that offers the best protection.

At the end of the day, though, it’s worth remembering – even though they’re usually not as effective as a grade 1 or grade 2 face mask, cloth face masks are still significantly better than nothing.


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