The Entrepreneur Holiday Checklist | Networking Speaker


The holidays are a perfect time to take a beat, be thankful, and embrace tradition and cheer as we march on toward 2022. The reality is, of course, that the holidays are stressful. Navigating travel, family plans, work commitments, holiday events; and the only way to get through it is to plan ahead. Especially when you're an entrepreneur.


Send Holiday Cards. Family expects them, but clients often do not. Isn’t it lovely to get mail that isn’t a bill? For some the idea of whipping out the old rolodex and handwriting cards is a delightful blast from the past, a soothing task that brings repetition and order to a chaotic time of year. If you don’t fall into this category however, no worries, there are plenty of services that do it all for you. If you fancy physical cards, take a look at, simply select your design, hand over the names and addresses, and you’re good to go!


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