Washing Machines, Dryers and Relationships | Personal business coach houston

Washing machines help us clean dirty clothes.  Some of the clothes come out perfectly clean.  Others may still have the remnants of a stain that is now barely visible.  And then there are some clothes where the machine, no matter how you well it cleans, cannot remove the stain.  The stain remains visible to where you will decide to discard that piece of clothing.

Washing machines are also a great metaphor for relationships.  All of us are imperfect.  We have dirt and stains that need to be cleaned up.  As with washing clothes, our relationships need repeated washings to keep them looking good to where they can perform as we need them to.  In my personal business coaching practice in The Woodlands business and personal relationships are very often dominate over the topics of sales, operations and profitability.


Here’s the question:  How effective is your personal washing machine at two things?  Are you able to keep yourself clean and presentable in your relationships?  Are the people you bring into your life after you put them in your washing machine cleaner and more presentable?

What is the goal of putting yourself and others through the washing machine process?  The goal is to clean away what is on the outside to be able to see what is truly on the inside.  What is on the inside is where the significant relationship connections take place.

What are you looking for on the inside?  You are looking to see, after you and others go through the washing process, if you have similar values.  Differences of opinion are to be expected.  But after going through the washing process if there are differences in values then most likely it is time to not invest further in the relationship.

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