When Last Did You Visit Your Downtown Art Gallery?

Relax With Art Shows Los Angeles

Multitudes of us feel lost in this profoundly challenging time – stressed to the max (and that’s putting it mildly). Hence, I find Vincent van Gogh’s quote, “Art is to those who are broken by life,” very apt for our current whereabouts in the continuing journey of evolution.

But did you know that your downtown art gallery, art shows in Los Angeles 2022, New York, Paris, almost everywhere – offer a hidden therapy? Besides, if your downtown art galleryor galleries, in general, aren’t quite accessible to you, for whatever reason – even surrounding yourself with visual art has excellent brain benefits.

How can visual art support our mood?

If you’ve ever entered a room and unexpectedly happened upon a painting, sketch, photograph or drawing that just demanded your gaze, lit up the room, your smile, your joy? If you said yes, you'll agree with mental health specialists who say that staring at a painting or any piece of visual art, for that matter, can have a profound impact on our mood.

  1. Forget stress: Scientists report that pausing to engage with visual art immediately lowers stress levels.
  2. Activate your brain: As your mind becomes occupied with the lines, images, shapes and colours of the image, you begin noticing patterns that send familiar messages along your neuron pathways, helping you cope with anxiety and forget troubling thoughts.
  3. Brain chemistry: It’s incredible how our brains work. Did you know that gazing at beautiful art releases dopamine? What is dopamine, you ask? In short, it’s the same chemical our brains release when we fall in love – now, where would you find a better high than that?

Van Gogh knew what he was talking about – and I believe we should follow his advice and create a moment of solace for ourselves by looking deeply into the artist’s creation or art shows in Los Angeles to find our own inner creator.

Immerse yourself

As often as you can, take a pause and engage with visual art, let your mind enter the scene and allow the emotions, memories and new ideas to wash over you. I’m not saying that staring at paintings will magically change your life. Still, you must agree to step out of the fast lane of neverending thoughts, responsibilities and fears for a brief moment with beauty sounds doable for almost anyone?