Everything you need to know about PRP for skin

Do you wish you had smoother and younger-looking skin? Are you looking for a way to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars? If so, you might be interested in learning more about PRP (plasma rich protein) for the skin.

PRP for skin is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the use of your body’s natural ability to heal itself. The process begins with a blood draw from your arm. A special centrifuge is used to separate the red blood cells from the plasma and platelets.

After separating your blood into these three sections, only the platelet-rich plasma is used during the treatment process. The platelets are then injected into areas of your body where you want to see healing and rejuvenation.

The procedure is virtually painless because it uses numbing creams or injections at the site where your platelets will be injected. Once the area is numb, we use a very small needle to inject your PRP under your skin. The entire process usually takes less than two hours, depending on how many areas are treated during one session.

What is PRP

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment that uses your own blood's platelets, growth factors, and healing proteins to help accelerate the healing process.

How does it work?

Your blood is made up of red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. The platelets found within your blood contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries. PRP injections contain concentrated amounts of these growth factors which can then be injected into an injury site to promote accelerated tissue repair and restore cellular function.

Is it expensive

To my knowledge, no cost-effectiveness analysis has been done on this procedure. But you should be prepared to pay out-of-pocket for it as many practices will tell you that insurance won't cover it.

Is PRP worth it for face

Using PRP alongside traditional micro-needling treatments may improve the scars on your face, but the evidence is still inconclusive. Although research is inconclusive about its effectiveness in facial rejuvenation, the downsides to adding PRP to micro-needling appear to be minimal,

How long does PRP last for skin?

The short answer to this is Forever. It’s like rolling back your biological clock by a decade or more, not to mention keeping your skin looking glowing and radiant in the meantime. This is because we are using the body’s tissues to promote healing and rejuvenation, which lasts forever. These injections help kick start collagen production at the site of injection, resulting in healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

what should I not do before Facial PRP?

Special preparations are not necessary. You simply need to arrive on time or a little bit ahead of your scheduled appointment. We will then go over your health history so that the physician can make sure that Facial PRP is the right procedure for you.

benefits of PRP Facial Rejuvenation

PRP Facial Rejuvenation is a non-surgical medical treatment used to rejuvenate skin, stimulate cell growth, and speed up healing time. Using your platelets from your own blood, PRP Facial Rejuvenation infuses your skin with the growth factor necessary to heal at the cellular level.

Does it hurt

PRP is part of your blood. Separated from the rest of your blood, it is injected back into the skin of your face. There is a slight pinch from the tiny needles that are used, but most people say there is very little pain and can be compared to a microneedling treatment without the numbing cream. Some mild swelling may involve after the treatment but this usually subsides within 2-3 days.

Where can I get it

If you're interested and want to do PRP for skin talk to your dermatologist or go with the Drsmmc the best skin clinic in Abu Dhabi about the pros and cons of the procedure and whether it might be appropriate for you.