Top 5 Screenings for a New Born Baby


As per a source, more than 2.1% of India's population is disabled. Several of them are born with certain disabilities. Screenings of a newborn baby right after birth in the hospital help in detecting any conditions that the baby might have. These conditions can hinder the normal growth of the baby. If they are detected early, they can be treated soon to prevent or reduce the risk of future disabilities (physical or mental) or life-threatening conditions.


Consider choosing a reputed children's hospital in India for your delivery where newborn screening test of over 44 critical disorders are performed. Then no matter how rare the condition with which the little one is born, he/she can be screened for it. Here are screenings for the top 5 conditions in a newborn.


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Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia


This genetic disorder happens due to the improper production of adrenal hormones. Life-threatening salt loss is an extreme symptom. The condition is treated by replacing the missing adrenal hormones and salt.


Congenital Hypothyroidism


It refers to low thyroid functioning at birth. Newborn screening for this condition is necessary to identify and treat it right after birth. This can ward off complications like neurologic abnormalities, deafness, growth failure and mental retardation.


Newborns with this condition need to be given oral thyroid hormone in the initial weeks of their life. This can help them perform normally (almost or fully) on intellectual testing when they're 4-7 years old.


Phenylketonuria (PKU)


It happens from a lack of an enzyme, phenylalanine hydroxylase required for processing phenylalanine, an amino acid in the baby's diet. PKU causes a build-up of phenylalanine in the baby's bloodstream that results in brain damage.


The affected newborn may be provided with a special formula and a diet low in phenylalanine. If dietary treatment is begun in the first few weeks of the baby's life, learning disability and brain damage associated with the condition can be prevented.


Sickle Cell Disease


This genetic condition causes red blood cells in newborns to turn sickle-shaped after they lose oxygen to the tissues. These cells can stick to blood vessels, causing organ damage and pain. Newborn screening of the condition right after birth is necessary as affected infants are highly prone to developing severe infection and strokes as well. Early treatment can prevent or reduce these issues.


The lab test for this condition can even screen for other problems of haemoglobin, such as thalassemia.




It occurs when the enzyme required to manage levels of galactose sugar is missing. Results are cataracts, vomiting, mental retardation, progressive liver disease and failure to thrive. Death may happen when the bacteria E. coli infects the bloodstream.


Removing galactose from the baby's diet by skipping milk and its products can cause improvement and gradually, the effects of the condition reduce or go away. 


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You can ask the hospital staff to help you with contact information or referral of the best pediatrician in Hyderabad. You can take your child to the pediatrician for any future problems or complications of your little one.


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