Music: 10 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

From jazz, rock to classical, music can make one groove even on their dullest days. It's an art of expressing emotions in beautiful tones, rhythm, and melody. Music can unite people even from different cultures. Did you know that music has so many benefits? It can evoke intense emotions in people and connect them even if we don't understand the lyrics. Most of us cannot start our day without listening to wonderful rejuvenating music.  


Whether we are happy or sad, there is music for every soul. The feeling that emerges when we listen to the right music is incomparable. It can soothe a broken heart, kick off a boring party and motivate us to work out. However, here are some crazy facts that you might not know. 


  1. Music Improves Memory 


Sometimes we try hard to focus and remember something but are not able to. Stress can be a significant factor for short-term memory. It disconnects our brain and makes it harder for us to focus and remember things. Additionally, chronic stress can also impact long-term memory. As per a Harvard study, music can help grow our memory. In the experiment, the researchers found that listening to and performing music positively impacts the brain. People who sing lyrics of old nostalgic songs showed recovery signs from brain injury and stroke.    


  1. Music Improves Workouts

  2. Most people love working out by listening to their favorite songs. The high beats of music can instantly make us forget our fatigue and laziness, making us pick up those dumbbells and squat. Listening to good music gives us a satisfying workout by increasing our stamina and uplifting our mood. According to the National Center for Health Research, listening to music with more beats per minute can improve the performance during a moderate exercise session. 


    1. Music Supports Healing 


    Music has a unique ability to heal people who are recovering from any illness. As per a study, the patients recovering from a stroke or surgery found less pain and higher healing rates when listened to music. Music helped reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels in the body. Thus, it helps relieve anxiety, stress, and depressions as well.  


    A complementary way to alleviate anxiety is to mix music with vaping CBD. You can buy the best quality CBD vaping products from kure cbd and vape and enjoy your relaxing musical nights with CBD. 


    1. Music Raises your Energy 

    2. We all have Monday blues after a fun-filled weekend. What if we told you starting your day with blasting music can instantly raise your energy levels? Yes, you heard it right. Listening to upbeat music while getting ready in the morning can motivate you and get rid of your Monday blues. Not just that, an excellent start to the morning enhances the productivity levels throughout the day. 


      1. Music Promotes Sleep 


      Insomnia and lack of sleep can cause various illnesses like diabetes, weight gain, and hypertension. Listening to good soothing music an hour before going to bed can relax your mind, giving you a sound sleep. As per a PubMed article, participants who listened to classical music 45 minutes before bedtime showed improved sleep quality. 


      1. Music may Improve Immunity. 


      Our body has a natural defense system played by an antibody called Immunoglobulin A (IgA), which kills the viruses and bacteria invading our body. According to research, listening to or playing music can increase IgA production and boost our immune system.  


      1. Music Curbs Appetite 


      Soft lighting and soft music can help you eat less. As per a study, the choice of music by a restaurant led diners to consume fewer calories and enjoyed it more. Thus, if you want to curb your appetite while enjoying your meal, then dim the lights and play mellow music.  


      1. Music And Streaming Elevates Your Mood While Driving 


      A long drive with relaxing music can unwind a whole day of stress. This is because music can elevate our mood. According to an