Never leave your key in the open. Take a key, and then run around looking for the door


Never leave your key in the open. Take a key, and OSRS Gold then run around looking for the door by using the map. Keys are not needed if the room isn't highlighted. If you follow this method, you will be able to finish each floor in about three minutes.


The Grand Exchange prices of products are believed to be controlled by supply/demand...But often, it doesn't seem like that matters. First examples I can think of: A complete set of black armour (8,873 grams). A set of black full-length armour that I sell on the Grand Exchange is never left unsold. It sells at the maximum price. It is not possible to find a supply if you buy a complete set of black armour from the Grand Exchange. A lot of people claim that they are "buying black-to-black" at the Grand Exchange. Demand is much greater than demand, but G.E. price doesn't go up. It's been this method for a lengthy amount of time.


Cheese (108 gp). Cheese can only be used for a short time after it is offered for sale. Then it continues to go. The demand far outweighs the supply. The cheese is still sold at 108gp.


Some other examples are pie dish (103 grams). Blue wizard hat (102gp). Raw chicken (160gp). The price of redberries was fixed at 102 grams even though there was much more demand. For a long time, blue dye and yellow dye were Grand-Exchange-priced much lower than demand would suggest. A small fishing net (140 gr). When you sell bronze arrows to runescape account for sale the Grand Exchange, they will last for only one second.