How do CBD and THC help cancer patients?

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but not all cancers are malignant nor do all have a poor prognosis. Despite advances in cancer treatments, the disease itself and some treatments usually produce side effects such as nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, or pain. Clinical trials conducted on cancer patients have been able to show that THC and the combination of THC and CBD in equal parts were effective in relieving these effects.

What is cancer?

Cancer is not a single disease. According to the Association against Cancer, there are more than 200 types of diseases with a common denominator: the ability of cancer cells to multiply and spread uncontrollably through the body. Each type of cancer is independent of another and different are its evolution, the causes, and the treatments that will be needed.

The cells of the human body are divided throughout our lives to replace those that are aged or dead. This is how the proper functioning of our organs is maintained. This division process is regulated by control mechanisms that when altered in a cell, it and its descendants initiate an uncontrolled division that over time will lead to a tumor or nodule.

We speak of benign tumors when the cells of a tumor do not have the ability to invade and destroy other organs. On the other hand, if in addition to growing uncontrollably they invade the tissues and organs that they have around them (infiltration) or can move and proliferate in other parts of the body (metastasis), we speak of malignant tumor, which is what is understood by cancer.

Causes that can cause cancer

According to the Clinic in the United States, the causes that cause cancer can be divided into two groups:

Pre-birth causes: We may have a genetic mutation inherited from our parents that favors the development of cancer, although this type of mutation represents only a small percentage of all cases.

Causes that occur after birth: They represent the majority of cases and are not hereditary. They can be caused by several factors, including age, habits (smoking, alcohol, sun exposure, obesity, lack of exercise), exposure to radiation, viruses, carcinogenic chemicals, or chronic inflammation that cause some diseases such as ulcerative colitis.

As we have already mentioned, each type of cancer is considered a disease by itself and has its own treatment. This is why it is so necessary to identify the type of cancer that has been localized. This identification is made in the laboratory from a suspicious tissue sample or nodule. This extraction is called a biopsy.

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Cancer Treatments

Once the oncologists identify the type of tumor, its location, and size and if the nodes or other organs are affected, the patient's age and state of health, other important diseases that may have and the will of the patient himself will be assessed.

When all these elements are known is when the most convenient type of treatment for each case is studied. In general, the main treatments against cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, although other treatments such as hormone therapy, immunotherapy, etc. can also be practiced.

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What cancer symptoms do THC and CBD relieve?

Studies are underway around the world to determine whether the cannabinoids in marijuana can help cancer patients. According to the National Cancer Institute, the effect of cannabis on the following symptoms related to oncological diseases and their treatments has been studied.

Nausea and vomiting

Despite advances in cancer treatment, nausea and vomiting remain side effects that distress patients and their families. Cannabinoids are proving effective in both versions.

Synthetic THC: Dronabinol and nabilone are synthetic TCH-based drugs that are approved for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in the United States. Studies in cancer patients found them to be more effective than conventional drugs. Some patients had psychoactive side effects.

Natural cannabinoids: In a study carried out in Spain it was found that the administration of a Cannabis extract (nabiximols) with a ratio of 1:1 THC:CBD was effective in treating nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy.

Appetite stimulation

According to the NIH, THC (dronabinol) did not help increase appetite or weight in patients with advanced cancer compared to other drugs. However, they did notice increased appetite and weight in HIV patients.

Pain relief

Pain management improves the quality of life of an oncological patient. Cancer pain results from inflammation, invasion of bones or other sensitive areas, or nerve injury. When this pain is severe and persistent, it is usually resistant to opioids as well.

In clinical trials that have been conducted to date, low-dose THC:CBD nabiximols extract has been shown to be more effective for pain control and sleep disturbances than THC extract in patients in whom pain had not improved with potent opioids. These studies provided encouraging data on the analgesic effect of the combination of THC and CBD.

Anxiety and sleep disorders

In studies carried out on the effects of the application of cannabinoids isolated or as extracts of Cannabis, it has been shown that THC had anxiolytic effects, and improved the quality of sleep and relaxation.

Clinical trials on the use of cannabis to relieve patient symptoms are carried out in parallel to those studying it as a therapy to treat same cancer. It is encouraging to see the number of ongoing studies on cannabinoids and their medical applications, alone or in combination with each other.

For many sufferers, oncological or not, THC and CBD from Cannabis have been a solution without which life would be much more difficult. It has often been the decision of the patient himself who starts using Cannabis on the recommendation of another patient or relative, out of desperation or allergy to conventional medicines. In many cases, cannabis extracts have marked a before and after in these patients.

We do not believe that it will take longer for the day to come when Cannabis as therapy is normalized. The efficacy of THC and CBD is proven, it only takes that doctors have enough clinical trials that support the right doses and cannabinoids for each disease to make it a reality.