Knee Ligament Surgery in Chennai

Ligaments (Knee Ligament Surgery) are elastic tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones and provide stability and strength to the joint. A flexible band of tough fibrous connective tissues connects two bones or cartilages to strengthen the joints.

They conjointly provide support to limit the joint’s movement. Ligaments are often damaged typically in a sports injury where the knee joint becomes unstable. A torn ligament severely limits knee movement. This ends up in the incapability of turn, or twist of the leg.

If medical treatments are not convincing, ligament repair surgery may be an effective treatment. Replacing the ligament with a piece of healthy connective tissues or the tendon to correct a torn knee ligament is involved. The connective tissues that unite a muscle with some other parts are the tendons.

Knee Ligament Surgery

Ligaments in the Knee

Ligaments play an important role in keeping the knee stable and enabling a person to have a full range of active movement. There are about four main ligaments in the knee which include:


  • You’ll be requested to attend a pre-admission clinic to discuss about the procedure of the surgery.
  • A physical examination. investigations and tests, such as a knee X-ray will be taken.
  • You’ll have to discuss about the tablets or types of medication you have been taking so far with the surgeon.
  • They’ll ask some questions about your teeth, like whether you wear caps, dentures, or a plate because a tube may be put down your throat to help you inhale at the time of the operation, and any loose teeth could be highly dangerous.

During knee ligament surgery

  • You will be given anaesthesia and the surgeon will carefully examine the inside of your knee, with a medical instrument called an arthroscope.
  • After confirming that your ACL is torn, your surgeon will perform grafting by removing a piece of healthy skin or bone cut to the correct size from one part of the body.
  • It will then be located in the knee and fixed to the (femur) which is the thigh bone and (tibia) the shin bone to repair and relocate. Mostly grafting is done from the inner side of your knee or from the bottom of the kneecap.
  • After the graft tissue has been secured, your surgeon will examine whether it’s strong enough to hold your knee together. They’ll also ensure that your knee has the full range of motion and that the knee is stable using the graft when it’s bent or moved. 

Post knee ligament Surgery

  • After the knee surgery gets completed, the wound will be closed with stitches.
  • If the stitches are dissolvable, they should definitely disappear after three weeks, if not your stitches will be removed by a healthcare professional.
  • Your surgeon will advise you on how to care for your wound by washing with mild soap and warm water.
  • Your knee will be bandaged with a waterproof bandage to help reduce swelling and you will also be given a try to wear.
  • You will be given pain killer medication for irritation, swelling, and redness down the front of your shin and ankle. These are temporary symptoms that will make you improve for about a week.
  • Your surgeon will guide you about a structured rehabilitation program to be followed for a speedy recovery.
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Best Knee Arthroscopic Surgery

Knee arthroscopy (Knee Arthroscopic Surgery) is a surgery that uses a tiny camera to check the problems inside your knee. The camera that is hooked up to a video monitor lets the surgeon see inside the knee. Two or three small cuts are made around your knee and the surgeon will place small surgical tools inside your knee through the small incisions.

Saline, a mixture of sodium chloride in water will be injected into your knee to inflate the knee. A cuff-like device is kept around your thigh to control bleeding throughout the procedure. The surgeon will close your slits with stitches and cover them with a dressing.

Procedures followed

  1. Before the procedure
  2. During the procedure
  3. After the procedure

Knee Arthroscopic Surgery Before the procedure

  • Try to stop smoking or drinking to avoid the higher risk of surgical complications.
  • Always consult a doctor regarding the intake of medicines or drugs, even supplements, or herbs you have bought without a prescription before the knee surgery arthroscopy in Chennai.
  • You will be told to stop taking medicines that make it harder for your blood to clot. These include aspirin, Advil, Naprosyn, Motrin, Aleve, and other blood thinners.

Knee Arthroscopic Surgery During the procedure

  1. You will be instructed not to drink or eat anything for a duration of 6 to 12 hours before the procedure is about to begin.
  2. Take the prescribed medicines with a limited sip of water during the knee surgery arthroscopy in Chennai.
  3. The surgeon will give you anaesthesia before your arthroscopy which may include:
    • Local anaesthesia: Your knee may have numbness with pain medicine. You will remain awake and relaxed throughout the procedure.
    • General anaesthesia: You will be asleep and pain-free.
    • Spinal/ Regional anaesthesia: The painkiller is injected by a space in your spine. You will remain awake however, you won’t feel anything below your waist.
    • Regional nerve block: Another type of regional anaesthesia to block out pain so that you need less anaesthesia. The pain medicine is injected around the nerve in your groin or hip which will make you asleep during the operation.
  4. Then, the skin on your knee will be cleaned to prevent surgical site infection,
  5. The surgeon will make a few tiny incisions, called “portals,” in your knee.
  6. Especially fill the knee joint and rinse away any cloudy fluid, a sterile solution used because it can help your orthopaedic surgeon see the structures inside your knee clearly.
  7. And, further, if surgical treatment is required, your surgeon will insert tiny instruments through other small incisions.

Knee Arthroscopic Surgery After the procedure:

Your surgeon may close with a stitch or small band-aids after the knee surgery arthroscopy in Chennai and then your knee is covered with a soft bandage. A soft bandage will protect your incisions or cuts while they get better.


Knee surgery arthroscopy in Chennai may be suggested for patients with specific knee injuries, particularly those that do not respond to non-surgical treatment which includes rest, physical therapy, and medications or injections that can reduce inflammation.

The knee arthroscopy may last for less than an hour counting on the findings of the person as it is rapid compared to the traditional open knee surgery. It is highly essential to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully after you return home.


It is advisable to discuss with a doctor if you have symptoms like bleeding, swelling, yellowish discharge from your incisions and additionally if you have a high temperature, exercise your knee regularly for several weeks after the knee surgery arthroscopy in Chennai. This will strengthen the muscles and restore the motion of your leg and knee.