Effective Tips that Help in CAT Preparation

As you already know that CAT is one of the most challenging and crucial exams of your life as it decides what your career is going to be. If you aspire to be a part of the best management institute, you need to clear this exam with a good percentile.

You can prepare for this examination all on your own. Many students even do that. However, that is not going to guarantee success. You combine your preparation with the best CAT coaching in Kolkata, and the outcome will be more than satisfactory. 

In this article, we will enrich your information about the Common Admission Test. We will inform you about specific essential tips that will contribute to the process of preparing for this challenging examination.


Tips to Successfully Complete a Common Admission Test

If you have done even a bit of research on CAT, then you are aware that there are multiple papers you need to prepare for. These tips constitute the ultimate set, which includes a combination of all the tips curated to help you.


  1. Non-MCQ Format

When preparing for Verbal ability, you must ensure you regularly practice. You must know the fundamental rules about the correct contextual usage of grammar to ace this section.

The tip here is not to stress about being marked negatively and affecting your final mark. In the Verbal Ability section, many questions will be in the non-MCQ format and, therefore, will not involve negative marking of any kind.

Stressing about one section can adversely affect your overall preparation and, as a result, will impact your performance in other sections, which are, if not more, as important as the Verbal Ability Section.


  1. Reading Speed is Key

There is also a comprehension section in the Common Admission Test. This section constitutes the majority of the VARC section. In this section, your coaching preparation will come into play as you will be taught techniques to go through the comprehension smoothly.

If you aim to complete this section as quickly as possible to save time for the other sections, you need to focus on boosting your reading speed. In this section, you must go through a passage thoroughly and answer questions based on it.

A straightforward way to improve your reading speed is to read newspapers every day if you already do not do so. Reading through news and increasing your speed with time will ultimately benefit you in your exam.


  1. Target the Tough One First

Another important section is the DILR section, which includes questions based on logical reasoning. It would be best to choose the questions you should answer smartly, as this section can seriously boost your overall score. You can test this ability to select proper questions in the mock tests conducted in coaching centers.

After choosing the questions, you need to make sure that you are attempting the most difficult ones first. The problematic questions will take relatively more time than the simple ones. Build a list in your mind and ace this section.


  1. Strengthen Your Mental Calculation 

This is the section in which students not from an engineering background get a bit intimidated. The Quantitative Ability section needs you to carry an on-screen calculator. However, CAT is a time-based exam. You cannot afford to spend time on sections you needn’t.

While in this section, students often make the mistake of doing even the most straightforward calculations in the calculator and, in the process, increasing the total time. Improving your mental calculation skill will help you save a lot of time in this section. Improving this skill may feel like a lengthy one, but it will benefit you in the exam.


These Tips Will Help You Ace Your Test

The Common admission test is one of the most important exams to get admission to a reputable management college. So it would be best if you did not risk preparing for it alone. Invest in a center that offers the best CAT coaching in Kolkata and strengthen your base in all the papers. The above tips will help you as well.


The above article is meant to inform you about the importance of the Common Admission Test. It also points out a few tips to excel in a CAT exam if you are a beginner.



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