Zremax - A Modern WoW Private Server List

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Information about Zremax

Zremax is a modern and unique WoW Server Toplist. As a server-player, Zremax helps you finding WoW private servers in an easy and unique way.
Wow and private wow servers

What makes us different from other similar websites is that we ensure that our list is updated with the correct server information, we don't have any vote manipulation, we offer a modern and relevant platform, and we make it easy for you to filter through the servers.

Some of the key features:

Rating system giving you the possibility to help others by voicing your opinion on a specific server.

There are many filters that can be used to sort the system. Find servers through sortings as "Highest population", "Newest release date", "Server language", "Realm rates", "Expansion", (and much much more).

Daily updates to keep the server information current, and to avoid dead-links/outdated hosts.

You should focus on creating a modern, but simple list with all the necessary features.

Listening to the community, and taking feedback seriously.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/K96GP8t Website link: https://zremax.com/wow-private-servers

The team behind Zremax really has put their heart in building a modern and reliable WoW Private Server list, without any bullshi*, but one that just works. You are always welcome to ask questions or make suggestions!