'Minecraft' Arrives On Samsung's Gear VR Headset

Last month, during GDC 2016 in San Francisco, we learned about Microsoft's plans for releasing Minecraft for Gear VR. Still, details such as pricing and availability were unconfirmed at the time. But that's all changed now: Oculus has announced that the open-world hit is now available on Samsung's virtual reality headset. Officially called Minecraft: Gear VR Edition, the game is said to include the same features as the Pocket Edition, including its multiplayer, survival, and creative modes and the character skins your are familiar with.

Additionally, Minecraft: Gear VR Edition will let you pick between a first-person and a theater view (which is the default), depending on how ferocious you feel when you're about to start building and exploring in virtual reality.Urbanislovar Oculus CTO John Carmack, who last year announced that the version was in development, said in a blog post "My most vivid memories of being in VR are the time I've spent exploring Minecraft on Gear VR. Experiencing it in virtual reality changes it from an abstract thing to a tangible one."

If you have a Gear VR, Minecraft can be yours from the Oculus Store for $7.