NBA 2K21 pushed a today's update for all the modern era versions of the game

Earlier this month, NBA 2K21 pushed a today's update for NBA 2K21 MT all the modern era versions of the game, giving gamers on PlayStation four and Xbox One a few extra content material and bug fixes. When that replace went stay, 2K Games introduced that there might be a comparable update coming to the following-gen variations within the near future. Well, on Wednesday, that destiny became the present.

The new replace for next-gen consoles went stay on Wednesday, and 2K rolled out the patch notes along with it. The biggest alternate will come to The City, where issues and designs are being replace for a new spring season. This precise a part of the replace won't genuinely move into impact until Thursday.

In addition to the changes coming to The City, 2K21 is rolling out Buy NBA 2K21 MT a bunch of updates to person gamers, including facial animations and tattoos.