Since its inception in 2000, Dementianet, founded by Michael Thompson and Harry Wilson, stands as a leading and trusted community devoted to enhancing the lives of those living with dementia. Our unwavering dedication extends to supporting and advocating for the specific needs of individuals facing various types of dementia, along with their families. At Dementianet, we strive to provide invaluable assistance, empowering individuals affected by dementia to lead more stable and content lives. With a commitment to understanding and compassion, we aim to create a supportive community that ensures every individual's journey with dementia is met with empathy, care, and meaningful impact.
Canberra ACT, Australia [email protected]
Since its inception in 2000, Dementianet, founded by Michael Thompson and Harry Wilson, stands as a leading and trusted community devoted to enhancing the lives of those living with dementia. Our unwavering dedication extends to supporting and advocating for the specific needs of individuals facing various types of dementia, along with their families. At Dementianet, we strive to provide invaluable assistance, empowering individuals affected by dementia to lead more stable and content lives. With a commitment to understanding and compassion, we aim to create a supportive community that ensures every individual's journey with dementia is met with empathy, care, and meaningful impact.