River Dental Center is a reputable dental practice that caters to the oral health needs of families in Dalles and the surrounding areas. With a warm and friendly atmosphere, our skilled dentist and staff are dedicated to providing personalized care for patients of all ages. From routine cleanings and fillings to advanced cosmetic and restorative treatments, we offer comprehensive dental services to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. With a commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction, we are your go-to destination for high-quality dental care. Schedule an appointment today!
(541) 296-9134
818 W. 6th Street, Suite #3, The Dalles, OR 97058 [email protected]
Located in 818 W. 6th Street, Suite #3, The Dalles, OR 97058
About me
River Dental Center is a reputable dental practice that caters to the oral health needs of families in Dalles and the surrounding areas. With a warm and friendly atmosphere, our skilled dentist and staff are dedicated to providing personalized care for patients of all ages. From routine cleanings and fillings to advanced cosmetic and restorative treatments, we offer comprehensive dental services to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. With a commitment to patient comfort and satisfaction, we are your go-to destination for high-quality dental care. Schedule an appointment today!