
Grant Management

220 S. Buchanan Street Edwardsville

The Odysseus™ | GMT provides users with a ready-to-use or customized disaster grant management system to allow your organization to track, administer, and report grant funding and comply to regulatory requirements.

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Emergency Preparedness

220 S. Buchanan Street Edwardsville

Recent events remind us that every community must make a continued investment in preparing for the next emergency or disaster. Empirical evidence has shown a direct correlation between the level of preparedness and the level of resiliency in a community. Specifically, the more prepared communities are, the greater their ability to effectively respond to and recover from a disaster and minimize the impact of a disaster. However, the most resilient communities go beyond simply developing a response plan that “checks the box” and supports it with periodic training and scenario-based exercises.

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Hazard Mitigation

220 S. Buchanan Street Edwardsville

Disasters will always happen. However, communities and organizations can take steps to mitigate those disasters and reduce their impacts. FEMA's hazard mitigation grant program - HMGP assistance provides funding for eligible mitigation measures that reduce disaster losses. Hazard mitigation is any sustainable action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to people and property from future disasters.

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Emergency Management

220 S. Buchanan Street Edwardsville

We help our clients in emergency management consulting, disaster recovery, response, preparedness and hazard mitigation services.

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