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Parfait Essoumba (Author) "The Doctrine Of The Trinity: The Worst Conspiracy In Religion History

A Book By Parfait Essoumba (Author)

"The Doctrine Of The Trinity: The Worst Conspiracy In Religion History. "

The Doctrine of The Trinity: The Worst Conspiracy In Religion History.

There is a relationship between God and us, but religion came to destroy that relationship and separated us from God.

This book brings us back to the beginning of the History of Religion. The Doctrine of the Trinity we have today in Church is but a masterplan of satan to destroy the entire humanity, This book gives us a clear understanding of what transcended for Christianity to become a polytheist belief, while it is presenting us the real nature of God. You will discover who is God the Father, God the Son and God The Holy Spirit. It is very simple to understand.
God's love is so wonderful, so unique, and so incomprehensible, that it cannot be compared to anything. I still can't understand how God could have risked everything, descending below the angels on earth to save us. He did not consider His divine position to take man's place on the cross of Golgotha. This same God could have created other people who would easily replace us before His face. Instead, God made the opposite choice which is rather to save us by paying our price, taking our place on our death sentence raw, and humbling himself, by accepting to be oppressed, rejected, and then condemned to death for us. God gave himself to us out of love, God's love for us, and killed His only begotten Son by shedding His blood as a sacrifice to wash us away from all sin. God by His blood gave us life again.

Wouldn't you like to know this God? This book transcends human doctrines and traditions to introduce us to God in person. Everything He said has come to pass. Doctrine of the Trinity Parfait Essoumba&i=stripbooks-intl-ship&crid=1DVCX35H387BM&sprefix=the doctrine of the trinity parfait essoumba%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C1213&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

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