Valinda L Wood added new shout
3 anni fa

Interactive Media Exchange

Dr. Lee Merritt <br>Invite You to Participate https://i.mediaentertainment.e....xchange/drleemerritt <br>Join Dr. Lee Merritt, longstanding advocate for the ethical patient - center medicine. Dr. Merritt has fought for every patient\s right to medical freedom since 1997 as a member and past president of the Association of American Physician and Surgeons. She continues to fight for your survival against the Covid Cartel. <br>Join Dr. Lee Merritt and others from around the world in the UNCENSORED platform in the Interactive Media Exchange. <br>\We in America are like free-range chickens. We think we are free, but we can only get the medicine the government lets us have; we can only live where they allow us to live and every year they try to limit what we can eat. Ask yourself why New York State got the award for the best handling of COVID, while other countries with the lowest death rate include Uganda and Nigeria. (Hint: in those countries, Hydroxychlorequin is over the counter - and it could be here). <br>https://i.mediaentertainment.e....xchange/drleemerritt <br>from listly:

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