Olivia Smith ضاف منتج جديد للبيع.
منذ 2 سنوات


United Kingdom

Amoxicillin is a penicillin-type anti-infection utilized for treating a wide scope of bacterial contaminations. It works by restraining the cell divider biosynthesis of microorganisms, which prevents them from duplicating and ultimately kills them. The medication just deals with antibacterial contaminations and isn't prescribed to treat viral diseases like normal cold, influenza, and so on Try not to utilize Amoxicillin superfluously, or you will wind up building protection from it, making it harder to treat future contaminations. Here and there, specialists recommend other Amoxicillin medications to treat and forestall stomach/gastrointestinal ulcers brought about by the microscopic organisms H. pylori

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السعر 40.00
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