
Streaming Tv

United States

Some of the foreign countries don’t allow some applications to access their country. In short, they ban some applications on their services. Same as the Fubo Tv connect is banned or blocked in some countries. To unblock or un-ban the application you have to go through various steps. Following are those steps to unblock the Fubo Tv activate application on your Device;
For that, you need to open the browser of the same device.
In the search engine of the browser enter the link of Express VPN.
And then press the search or enter button.
Then the Express VPN will open.
There you have to sign in or sign up with the Express VPN account.
Now go to the DNS settings.
In DNS settings you will see the IP address of the device.
Take that IP address.
Now go to that device where you want to download the Fubo Tv connect application.
There you have to go into the network settings.
In network settings, you will see the Network status option.
Then in the Network status go for the Ip address settings.
Again go into the DNS settings of the device.
There you can change the Ip address of the device.
Now take the IP address of the VPN and paste it to the other device.
Then press the Ok button.
Here the IP address is changed and the unblocking is successful.
That’s it, unblocking of Fubo Tv Connect is all set on any device using the above process.

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