Lego, Useful Game for Children

Some parents think that playing activities are of no benefit to their children. Currently, parents always emphasize their children on the development of academic intelligence such as reading, writing, and counting (calistung), which is actually not the case. The world of children is the world of play. For a child, playing is a learning activity that can add to his experience, reasoning, and knowledge. Scientists have conducted various studies on play and obtained the results that playing has a myriad of benefits for early childhood starting from the physical aspects of motor, cognitive, language, social emotional, and art.

Lego is a kind of constructive game tool in the form of small plastic chunks or pieces that can be assembled and disassembled into various shapes desired by the players. Lego can be played by various age groups ranging from children, teenagers, to adults, and does not look at men or women. According to Cahyo (2011: 55), Lego has been played by more than 400 million children around the world, including in Indonesia, which was only loved by children in the early 1980s.

It turns out, playing lego is not just putting together blocks, but has a myriad of benefits for early childhood. Here are the benefits of playing lego for children.

1. Stimulates Cognitive Abilities

Playing lego can stimulate the brain’s thinking power. Because when children play Lego, of course they have the desire to determine what kind of shape the Lego will be arranged so that it can become a work. Lego is also a construction for children in thinking about how to make a strong foundation. In addition, children can also recognize various shapes, colors, and sizes of Lego toys.

2. Develop Fine Motor Ability

Lego is a constructive game tool in the form of pieces / pieces that can be arranged in various shapes and have different sizes. With children picking up, lifting, installing, gluing, and removing lego toys, children can train hand-eye coordination carefully.

3. Practicing the Ability of the Sense of Sight

The ability of children’s vision in playing Lego can include the ability of children to record the shape of Lego blocks, as well as the ability of children to distinguish the shapes and colors of Lego.

4. Practice Language Skills

When playing lego, children will communicate with each other and interact with their playmates. In addition, children can also learn to share ideas in compiling and forming Legos with their playmates to try together.

5. Increase Creativity

Creativity is a thought process in which children are free to express themselves which includes fluency, flexibility, and originality in expressing ideas that are useful for themselves and others around them. Children can use various pieces of Lego in creating certain works so that they can develop creative (creative) abilities. In addition, playing lego can also give rise to bright ideas in forming lego in various forms.

6. Learn about Resource Allocation

Resource Allocation can be defined as the process of minimizing the instability of the use of resources per day during the project. In relation to the Lego game, children need to think about the limited number of bricks  for each type so that the Lego shape that the child wants to create can be formed as planned.


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