How Stress Is Creating Your Gastrointestinal Troubles

Most of us have direct knowledge of how prolonged or intense psychological stress may affect your digestive tract. The ancient experts of Chinese Medicine also theorized that the gut (particularly the liver) was the site of emotions. Science has now uncovered the reason for this phenomenon by revealing that as high as 90% of our neurotransmitters and hormones are produced by the gut.

What Happens to Digestion When We're Stressed

Something not many of us realize, at a minimum, is that the digestive system is controlled via the Central Nervous System, namely the sub-branch of our nervous system known in the "parasympathetic nervous system". In essence, the parasympathetic system controls an integral part of our "rest and digest" state. Only when we are relaxed and unaffected by stress, does the parasympathetic system and consequently digestion, begin to work.

When we enter a state of stress, the opposite to the parasympathetic system, the sympathetic system, activates. This state of stress or"flight and fight "flight or fight" response shuts down digestion by reducing the flow of blood to the organs of digestion, preventing digestive fluids, and sends the biochemical energy and blood flow to muscles and skeletal system to prepare for fight. شيك اوف

When the sympathetic system is constantly stimulated by chronic stress this can cause gastrointestinal disorders, inflammation and weakening the immune system.

A good example of how stress can lead to common digestive issues is making the esophagus spasm and altering stomach acid production. This can cause heartburn, acid reflux and can cause you feel nauseated. Another instance is the effect stress has upon the colon. Stress increases the production of cortisol and other stress hormones, serotonin and prolactin. Both could cause the colon to get hyper active or tight which causes constipation, diarrhea, or diarrhea.

If any of these issues are persistent The inflammation and poor functioning of the digestive system may eventually lead to stomach ulcers IBS along with inflammatory colon disease.

How to Manage Stress for Better Digestion

The reduction of stress levels isn't a quick-fix job It requires a comprehensive, multi-factorial approach. Stress from psychological causes is one of the primary, dominant stressors that negatively affect the digestive system. Although identifying the root causes of stress can take time but there are a few simple actions you can take to reduce their impact.

One simple way to de-stress is to get involved in a fun moderate exercise. Physical activity relieves tension, takes us out of our heads, boosts your mood and mood by releasing endorphins but also helps with the elimination the stress hormones. Some of the most beneficial exercises include walking, hiking, biking in the pool, dancing, yoga, thai-qi, and weightlifting.

Other excellent ways to lessen stress are:

Relaxation - People with digestive problems are usually overly stressed and do not have enough time to relax. Finding genuine, complete relaxation is more difficult in the modern world, but it is possible to be achieved through meditation, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation visualisation, cognitive therapy biofeedback, music that is good and time spent in the outdoors, camping, love-making, and working on an enjoyable project or pastime.

Communication therapy is a key cause of psychological stress is the realm of communication. In reality, most stress and problems in life have their roots in difficulties with communication. If you've ever been in an awkward situation, where you didn't know what to say, or someone wasn't talking to you, you've probably experienced the anxiety that comes with poor communication. Taking courses or reading books communication can help in improving our quality of life and relationships as well as reducing stress levels. However, simply having a reliable friend or loved one you can freely talk to about the stress you are experiencing is a great stress-reducing factor. Personally, I've found that cognitive therapy is an effective way to reduce chronic stress in my life. There are even studies that show 70% improvement in stress-related symptoms after 12-weeks of cognitive therapy.  

Nutrition - A bad diet can ruin a good digestive system. Poor nutrition can be the cause of biological stress and, in addition eating the right diet can reduce the negative adverse effects caused by stress. It is recommended to consume more salt and protein in times of stress. In reality soldiers in the army are required to consume a higher protein diet in order to lessen the catabolic effects of combat. Therefore, it is recommended to take a two-sided approached nutritionally, which means you stay clear of junk food that contributes to your stress, and eat high-nutrient, healthy foods that replenish a stressed body.  شيك اوف علاج القولون

Take your pick - An interesting thing about life is that challenges appear to be a source of value. If we didn't have problems whatsoever, we'd be bore in the end. The goal isn't to remove all stress and problems from our lives. Instead, we need to make the right choices about our problems. Like, for instance, beginning an enjoyable new relationship is likely to have its challenges however, in the end, all the issues are generally worth the effort. The same is true for starting a new project or goals. The best general rule of thumb is that any condition in life should have 80% pleasure with 20 percent pain, with the painful part being the best amount of stress that makes it interesting and allows us to grow.

In Conclusion

Mental and emotional stress can trigger a myriad of issues for a well-balanced digestive system. Stress is a fact of life as it is an inevitable part of and life. It is important to know how we deal with our stress and problems, and how we can prevent it from becoming persistent. If you know you are experiencing stress or having symptoms from digestive issues, then these tips will help. If you are experiencing stress-related problem There are cognitive psychotherapists, yoga instructors, and medical instructors that give you a dependable solution.

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