EGFR-Positive Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Clinical Trials: What to Know

Non small celllung cancer clinical trialsare designed for the primary purpose of collecting data. To be more specific, this is data that will be used to further research, both in terms of drugs and therapies that can help those afflicted with this type of cancer. To say that the work involved in these trials is important would be an understatement, but with so many details to consider, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Case and point, the term epidermal growth factor receptor is a topic all its own. Heres what to know about EGFR-positive clinical trials in relation to lung cancer.

Before diving into the specific topic ofnon small cell lung cancer stage 4 clinical trials , its worth discussing what, exactly, the term epidermal growth factor receptor refers to. EGFR is a type of protein found in the body that assists with cell division and survival. If a mutation is found, it can cause the EGFR proteins to create higher numbers of cells than needed; this is especially common in different forms of cancer. As a result, cancerous cells can divide and spread more rapidly, which leads to lung cancer going through different stages.

In fact, there are certain types of clinical trial drugs for lung cancer that are used for the purpose of blocking EGFR proteins. Not only have these drugs been developed by medical professionals but went on to be approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. One of the most common examples of ramucirumab, which is a medication distributed via IV. This drug blocks the EGFR proteins ability to create additional cancerous cells, stopping them from forming blood vessels that aid in the movement of said cancerous cells throughout the body.

There are several EGFR mutations, though some may require different treatment methods than others. Case and point, consider EGFR exon 20 insertions. This particular mutation doesnt respond to standard treatment methods such as the ones mentioned earlier. As a result, an individual with this condition will have to seek unique treatment. Keep innon small cell lung cancer clinical trialsthat the mutations treated via different means are rarer by comparison to other mutations, though this is still worth noting.

There are a few ways to determine whether one has EGFR mutations or lung cancer. While it may go without saying, this is done by speaking to a medical professional that specializes in different forms of cancer. They may administer next-generation sequencing, which involves the use of tissue from a tumor which is then examined for biomarkers. This is just one example, of course, but it speaks to how in-depth lung cancer diagnosis can become. Furthermore, new treatments and therapies are being developed each day by way of ongoing clinical trials, meaning that possible solutions in the future are seemingly endless.

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