WoW Dragonflight: How to get your Alpha and Beta Access to the next Expansion

WoW Dragonflight: How to get your Alpha and Beta Access to the next Expansion

With the announcement of the development of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, many players are wondering how to get access to the Alpha and Beta of this 9th expansion, but beware of scams ! Keep hope and don't succumb to impatience, it will cost you much more than early access!To get more news about Buy WoW Gold Safe, you can visit official website.

We wish, as with each extension announcement, to inform you and remind you that no one is able to provide you with a key for the Beta since there is none; not only because as mentioned, nothing like this has been announced, but also because the players selected to participate in this type of event are chosen automatically during selection phases determined by Blizzard.

All emails, websites or anything else offering you a link to obtain access to this object of desire are pure scams for malicious purposes. Never click on this type of link, and, in the worst case if you have already done so, never enter the identifiers of your account or any other confidential information (credit card, address, name Or other).


Only a few events organized by certain influencers and news sites hand-picked by Blizzard may take place on a very occasional basis. They usually take place in the form of a competition.

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