React Native vs Xamarin: The Core Differences

React Native VS Xamarin: The Core Differences React Native and Xamarin are the two most popular cross-platform development technologies that allow you to make native apps with JavaScript, and both have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Before you make your decision about which technology to use for your next project, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about React Native vs Xamarin so that you can decide on the right technology based on what matters most to you.

Which One is Right for You?

If you’re looking to build a mobile app for your startup, you’ve likely heard of React Native. But what exactly is it? How does it work? Should you hire a dedicated React-Native developer or would Xamarin be a better choice? For some answers, read on! While they are similar in some ways, they also have their differences—so you should carefully consider which one will best serve your needs. We outline those differences here so that you can make an informed decision about how and who to hire when building your next mobile application. What Is React Native?: In case you aren’t familiar with it, React Native is an open source JavaScript framework developed by Facebook and Instagram. It allows developers to code Android and iOS apps using just one codebase (and therefore spend less time reworking it). Using tools like Babel and Flow, developers use JavaScript syntax to write applications that can run both cross-platforms without any additional changes (native Objective C/Swift)—but native plugins mean access to camera APIs, storage options, animations and more across both platforms as well.

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React Native vs Xamarin

Which Framework is Right for You? : There are two dominant, native mobile app development frameworks today: Xamarin and React Native. Which should you choose? Read on to find out! Hire dedicated react-native developer if you want to build a native app with reusable components while avoiding native programming altogether. Hire react native developers if you need more control over how your app will run and how it looks on different platforms. Who should use it? Almost any company building apps can benefit from using React Native. It provides great performance, allows you to reuse code for multiple platforms and lets your team focus on product development rather than platform coding or cross-platform maintenance.

Project Management

Perhaps one of your biggest decision points will be whether to use a dedicated react native developer or look for other options. If you’re just looking to get started with a mobile app and aren’t sure if it will be a hit, then hiring full-time developers can be risky. Instead, it might make more sense to hire one temporarily from a firm that specializes in react native development and has worked on similar projects before. This option lets you find out if your project is viable without making long-term commitments to new employees and new technology. On top of that, many firms have resources to help you keep everything in check during development; they may even offer assistance with marketing efforts and customer support once you launch your app.

Development Time

Both Xamarin and React Native are frameworks for building native mobile apps, but Xamarin requires that you write some code in C# to get started. While you don’t have to know C#, it does mean you’ll have more work to do in comparison with developers working with React Native. If speed is your number one priority when building a mobile app, then hiring dedicated React Native developer may be worth it if it means getting your app out faster than with another framework. On average, though, development time should be similar between both technologies.

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Cost and Budget

There is no denying that hiring a dedicated react native developer and coding your mobile application can be quite expensive, especially if you choose to outsource it to freelance developers. On average, costs range from around $50-80 per hour of development time. Even when you hire dedicated developers on a full-time basis, project management costs can add up quickly. Hiring a react native developer to build your mobile app can cost upwards of $150k - $200k for an initial version.

So, What’s the Bottom Line?

While Xamarin and React are both primarily mobile frameworks, they have very different goals. Xamarin aims to let developers create native apps using a single codebase, while React takes more of a learn once, write anywhere approach that allows you to quickly learn how to build cross-platform (but not necessarily native) apps. Also worth mentioning is Cordova/PhoneGap, which lets you build truly cross-platform web applications that run in native wrappers. It doesn't use JavaScript but can be used with both React and Xamarin.
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When it comes to deciding between using Xamarin or react native development company, there are a few core differences you should be aware of. In our opinion, react native developer is generally easier to work with and can get more done in less time. However, if you're looking for top-tier performance and end-to-end control over every detail of your app's codebase, Xamarin might be a better fit. Before you hire dedicated react native developer or android developers , reach out to one of our experts!

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