Blepharoplasty Surgery Procedure in Delhi

The eyes are the focal point of the face. They are our most intriguing and revealing facial features and draw attention and convey expression. The first signs of aging are usually seen around the eyes. Hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, bagginess, sagging of the eyelid skin, droopy eyelids, and skin folds around the eye are some of the signs. Unfortunately, the signs of aging can greatly impact the appearance of our eyes. As you age, your skin gradually loses its elasticity. This, along with gravity’s constant pull, results in excessive skin collected on your eyelids. Eyelid rejuvenation surgery, known as blepharoplasty surgery procedure or an upper or lower eyelid lift, is designed to remove excess eyelid skin, muscle, and fatty tissue, restoring the appearance of the eyes with a little “lift.” While many people consider lower eyelid surgery for cosmetic reasons, the sagging of the upper eyelids tends to impair vision and may require surgery.

Many people have upper eyelid skin sagging or lower eyelid bags. This means the upper eyelid may have an excess amount of skin sometimes it's so much that it starts covering their eyes or in the lower eyelid, they may have eyebags, sometimes if they don't have eye bags they might have dark circles or hollowness below. Thee are the patients who should consider Eyelid rejuvenation surgery.