How to make internet in little alchemy

How to make Internet in Little Alchemy? We've all used the Internet because it's a generation of technology. In fact, you are currently using it to read this article. Similarly, we can all agree that the Internet has swallowed up the whole world. Moreover, the Internet is a world where people can do anything from buying and selling to using the Internet for entertainment. Similarly, money was converted into online currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others.

How do you make Internet on Little Alchemy?


However, the reason you clicked on this page has something to do with online gambling. That is, you want to know how to get the Internet element in Little Alchemy 2. And it will be fun because we will create some very interesting elements along the way.


But, before we get started, we need to know more about the Internet. Furthermore, the Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks. Further, the Internet is a network of networks connected by optical networking technologies and other means. However, we will not go into too much detail as this would be confusing.

Accordingly, the essential components of the Internet element are electricity and piracy. Although it may be difficult to get this content, don't worry because our tutorial will make your job much easier. So, are you ready to engage in some serious alchemy to get the element of the internet?

Welcome to our Little Alchemy Discussion Guide on Making the Internet in Small Chemistry. Below are a few basic steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation. Now, there will be no browsing or scrolling through websites to get what you want, which is very modern. How do you make Internet on little alchemy?


List of ways to make Internet in Little Alchemy

It takes 17 steps to build the Internet from scratch. If you are new to Little Chemistry, you can start with Stage 1. If you have already developed products in these stages, you can start working on your Little Alchemy Adventure from where you left off.



  1. Air and Water = Rain
  2. Air and Fire = Energy
  3. Earth and Rain = Plant
  4. Water and Earth = Mud
  5. Earth and Fire = Lava
  6. Lava and Air = Stone
  7. Earth and Life = Human
  8. Plant and Mud = Swamp
  9. Swamp and Energy = Life
  10. Computer and Computer = Internet
  11. Air and Stone = Sand
  12. Fire and Sand = Glass
  13. Fire and Stone = Metal
  14. Energy and Metal = Electricity
  15. Glass and Glass = Glasses
  16. Glasses and Human = Nerd
  17. Electricity and Nerd = Computer


If you're new to the game and want more information, or if you're sharing it with a friend who's just starting out, we'll go into more detail below, which might be helpful.

If you need more information, follow-up sections will allow you to drill down more. Once the items have already been created and uploaded in stages, we will only provide post links through the section, and you can open them in new tabs.

Whether you have complete information or a combination of details and links, you will have step-by-step instructions for preparing each item, including screenshots of each step.


Step 1: Create electricity.


As we all know, electricity has turned the world upside down. Furthermore, the invention of electric power introduced the use of light bulbs. And, after a long period of development in the use of electricity, we now use televisions, computers, and other electronic devices on a daily basis.

As a result, it's easy to see why Little Alchemy 2 needed an electronic device to connect to the Internet. In other words, if there was no electricity, there would be no internet. Simply put, computers require power to operate and the Internet cannot function without computers, right?

Meanwhile, as illustrated below, you may simply acquire the Electricity element:


  • Planet + Fire = Sun
  • Fire + Fire = Energy
  • Earth + Earth = Land
  • Land + Land = Continent
  • Sun + Energy = Solar Cell
  • Solar Cell + Sun = Electricity
  • Continent + Continent = Planet



Congratulations! Now there is electricity on your planet, which will illuminate every dark corner. As computers move forward, they will also provide many new and exciting toys to play with. So, are you excited about what the future holds for your world?

Step 2: Create a hacker


Moving on to another important part of Inter, you may become familiar with the term 'hacker'. To be more specific, hackers are people who know about information technology. Above all, they use their abilities to achieve a specific goal.

With these letters, most people think of hackers as thugs. In films like The Matrix, they are portrayed as spectators who can easily tamper with the computer system.

Similarly, pirates require some heavy compounds to obtain the ingredients. Accordingly, we have divided this process into two stages, where first we will find man, then we will find the glass.

Create a human

Since humans use computers and are experts in information technology, it is clear why we need a human element for hackers.

In summary, the following list will assist you in obtaining the Human element:


  • Earth + Water = Mud
  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Air = Stone
  • Stone + Mud = Clay
  • Clay + Life = Human
  • Water + Water = Puddle
  • Puddle + Water = Pond
  • Pond + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Water = Sea
  • Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  • Primordial Soup + Energy = Life



Make glasses
As mentioned earlier, the films portray hackers as characters who wear spectacles and tamper with computer systems. Accordingly, we need the element of glass to make pirates.

Similarly, you may get the Glasses element by doing the following:


  • Sand + Fire = Glass
  • Air + Stone = Sand
  • Glass + Glass = Glasses



Finally, to acquire the Hacker element, just mix Human with Glasses. To summarise, just follow the steps below to receive Hacker:

  • Human + Glasses = Hacker

Great! We are just a step away from accessing the internet. So, don't wait any longer and get started!

Step 3: Create an Internet


More importantly, we need a computer before we can connect to the Internet. And you can easily achieve this by combining electricity with pirates, as shown below:


  • Electricity + Hacker = Computer


Then just double the number of computer systems and networks to build the web around the world. In other words, to create the Internet element, mix the two components of a computer like this:


  • Computer + Computer = Internet


Give yourself a big slap on the back! It was a difficult mission, but you accomplished it. And, to complement your experience, we'll look at different ways to connect to the Internet.

Alternative Ways to make Internet in Little Alchemy

First and foremost, Little Alchemy 2 is a game where players can use their imagination to find new ways to do things. For example, if you do not like the first method, you can try another method to access the Internet element.

For example, the following list includes all sources of Internet access:


  • Computer + Internet = Internet
  • Computer + Web = Internet
  • Computer + Wire = Internet


You need to have a good idea of ​​how Little Chemia 2 works so far. As you can see, we have got the element of the internet by combining many elements like network, web, and wire. And now it's time to use the Internet to discover more interesting things.

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