Facts About Training a Dachshund

Honestly, can anyone really disagree with the statement that Dachshunds are one of the cutest breeds of dogs around? Unfortunately, you might find out how ornery and stubborn these little dogs can be once you begin the training process. However, do you need to do anything special to control your dog's "attitude" while you're training your Dachshund? Let's look into the question a little deeper.


Dachshunds are Just a Little Different


Training a Dachshund can be challenging and it's a task that requires some patience. These little dogs might be cute, but they're also some of the most stubborn, independent dogs you'll ever see. Their fiery wills far exceed their small size, and they like making their own decisions. In short, Dachshunds go for what they want, and they're really good at waiting you out in order to get it.


When you're training a Dachshund, you need to remember that no matter how cute he is, he's a dog, not a person. That means you'll need to treat him as a dog. As soon as you start giving him special privileges or treating him like some kind of little person, he'll take control of the situation and the training process will become much more difficult.


Remember that although it might be easier to skip the training, you'd actually be putting him at risk if you did that. Dachshunds are willful and have strong, independent personalities, which makes it easy for them to get themselves into trouble. Climbing or jumping excessively can also cause problems because of their long, somewhat delicate backs. Fortunately, both climbing and jumping are trainable behaviours.


The Fundamentals of Training a Dachshund


It's always best to start training a Dachshund early, while he's still young. And, he'll need plenty of exercise even while he's still a young puppy. Dachshunds are small but they've been bred for hunting, typically for digging out vermin from the holes in the ground they hide in. The result is a small dog that's packed with energy, and all this energy can cause your training to backfire if your Dachshund isn't allowed to use it all up. In short, although training a Dachshund will be much easier if he gets enough exercise, you'll still need to plan his training carefully and be firm with him.


Keep Your Training Sessions Short


When you're training a Dachshund, keep your training sessions to five minutes or less. If your dog gets bored or decides he wants to stop paying attention, training him can be difficult. The answer is to try to accomplish as much as possible in regular but short training sessions, so your dog doesn't have enough time to decide whether he wants to go along... or not.


Training Basics


Every Dachshund should learn to obey basic commands such as "sit," "stay" and "down." It's especially important for your Dachshund to learn "down" because his elongated back makes unrestricted jumping and climbing somewhat dangerous. While your Dachshund's still young, teach him that jumping on furniture and climbing up and down stairs are not permitted. He's small enough that you'll be able to carry him up and down steps.


Dachshund Clicker Training


Dachshunds respond particularly well to clicker training. Although their hearing isn't anything special, Dachshunds respond well to the sharp, single sounds clickers produce. Clicker training is also suitable for the short bursts of training that best suit a Dachshund's attention span.


Rewarding Your Dachshund


Dachshunds have strong wills, and punishing them just isn't very effective. In fact, if you punish a Dachshund too much, he can become stubborn and potentially aggressive. Instead of punishing your Dachshund, reward him for positive behaviours. The breed google doodle dog loves physical attention in addition to treats.


Dachshund training might be somewhat trying, but it can also be highly rewarding. You'll need a large dose of patience along with plenty of time and energy in order to succeed. The most important thing is to never let your Dachshund get the upper hand. You'll lose the battle as soon as you give in, and it can be hard to regain control.