High-Pressure Respiratory Sales Tactics and How to Report Respiratory Fraud

Respiratory fraud is identified by a number of factors. One of the most common is the use of high-pressure sales tactics by salespeople, attempting to drive people to purchase their products or services to an extreme degree. This can even be done if the products or services in question arent necessary, which only adds to the issue at hand. Many people may not even know that this is a form of fraud or how they can best avoid the situation. Heres what people should know about high-pressure respiratory sales tactics and, just as importantly,how to report respiratory fraud .

To begin, a high-pressure sales tactic is defined as the process by which one attempts to sell a product or service by using relentless or persistent pressure. They will consistently pressure the individual theyre focused on to invest in what theyre selling, which is seen as an unethical tactic. While its customary for a salesperson to acquire a sale or lead by showing initiative, there is such a thing as doing so to the extreme. This is where high-pressure sales tactics take shape and its why knowing how toreport respiratory industry fraudis vital. These sales tactics take different forms, and the following are just a few to keep an eye out for.

Cold Calling Generally speaking, cold calling is when an individual makes an unsolicited call to someone in the hopes of selling a product or service. For instance, an individual that has no need for a respiratory product, such as a vest, may be contacted by a salesperson of a company stressing the importance of the product in question. This is seen as a high-pressure sales tactic, especially if the individual insists on selling the product to the person that they called in the first place. This is just one of the many situations where one may wish toreport respiratory therapy fraud .

Emotional Manipulation In addition to standard phone calls to sell something, salespeople may resort to emotional manipulation to reach their goals. Simply put, this is when an individual will appeal to your emotions, discussing how what theyre providing can improve your quality of life. Case and point, if their goal is to sell an airway clearance therapy vest, they may list off ways that it can aid an individuals quality of life. This can include anything from improved relationships with family members to increased productivity at work. These are just a few ways that salespeople can use emotional manipulation to support high-pressure sales tactics.

Direct Mail When it comes to physical correspondence, in regard to respiratory fraud, direct mail is another topic to cover. This occurs when a fraudster sends an individual physical mail detailing a product or service theyre offering. Direct mail can take on different forms, too. These include, but arent limited to, newsletters, pre-approved applications, and fundraising letters. Methods such as these are developed with the same purpose: to have an individual agree to buy whatevers being sold. Direct mail is a fairly long-standing practice and yet another reason why one may wish toreport respiratory company fraud .

Robocalling As the name suggests, robocalling involves the use of a robotic-sounding message thats directed to ones phone number. Even though this is a pre-recorded message, it sounds automated, as if its coming from an actual robot or machine.While robocalling is often used for such endeavors as fundraising or emergency announcements, it can also be a tactic to commit fraud. Robocalls have been used to sell products and services to users, and while these may seem easy to pinpoint, robocalling has become so sophisticated that many people dont know the messages are pre-recorded.

Door-to-Door Communication While not as common now as it was in years past, salespeople may still go from door to door to sell people respiratory products and services. Door-to-door selling has been used by different industries to make money in real time, but this can also become a high-pressure sales tactic. Most people dont appreciate unexpected visitors at their doors, especially if their goal is to sell something. Thus, homeowners are likely to turn them away without communicating further. However, if salespeople start to become pushy, it may be worth learning toreport respiratory fraud .

To learn how to do so, speak to a seasoned whistleblower attorney. This individual has experience helping individuals report fraud across different industries, not only in terms of respiratory but healthcare, finance, and other fields. Furthermore, they will provide assistance with confidentiality in place. What this means is that, as a whistleblower, your private information will remain secure. This is especially useful if you fear blowback from your place of employment. Not only will you report fraud, protecting others in the process, but you will do so with peace of mind each step of the way.