What a ferret eats What can you feed it in which form, and what amount, what is not to be given?

A healthy diet is crucial in the home care of ferrets. It is not recommended to groom your ferret the way you would a cat If you own one. It is possible for a cat to eat twice daily without discomfort however ferrets require six to nine meals every day. It is a fact that ferrets are extremely fast in their metabolism, and they need an enormous amount of energy to sustain endless running and playing. That is why the feeding schedule of ferrets in the home ought to be planned more often and in smaller portions.

The ration must contain protein-rich products, no less than 40% as well as fats, some fiber, vitamins , and minerals.
There are numerous ways to feed ferrets: you can buy specialized food and dry foods for pregnant kittens or cats, or feed natural food.
Ferret food can be difficult to locate, which is why premium and holistic foods are rare. The health of your pet and its well-being is affected when you choose the economically priced model.
Food for kittens and lactating cats is rich in minerals and proteins, therefore it's ideal for ferrets, providing the essential nutrients they require. When choosing these meals, you should also choose options no lower than premium and, if you can, buy super-premium.
What are the best ways to take care of ferrets at home? You must think in advance about the ration. This should form the basis of your ration:
meat: chicken, chicken, duck, turkey, veal, beef;
by-products: heart, liver, kidneys, chicken stomachs
small amounts of cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
Soft vegetables and berries;
Cottage cheese and eggs
Animals aren't allowed to drink sweets, dairy cereals, dairy items, cereals including chocolate, or any other sweets. They can cause digestive upset and blockage of the intestines, trigger diabetes, obesity and various other diseases that are dangerous.

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