Based on in the image above Konar quo Maten

Instead of assigning an animal to kill, Konar requires players to OSRS gold be in a certain area for killing it. In return they'll be able to have a shot at winning Brimstone Keys. So, without further ado, let's check out exactly where Konar is located in order to grab the opportunity to acquire Brimstone Keys.


Based on in the image above Konar quo Maten is located in the area of the North-West in the Zeah region within the Kahlith settlement on the summit of Mount Karuulm. They're identified on the global map by a pale skull to indicate their role as Slayer Master. Slayer Master. You can find them sitting next to an ancient chest.


The most efficient way to access this map area is through The Rada's Blessing 3 or 4 Teleport. If you don't own this option, then look into using the fairy ring code c-i r or rubbing the Skills Necklace and selecting the Farming Guild teleport.


The requirements to be eligible for the slayer mission from Konar are a minimum combat level of 75. You'll need to be a member in order to be able to access this area of the Zeah continent. It's important to remember that you may pay for membership through bonds through earning coins during game.


Contrary to other Slayer Masters, Konar's tasks have players go to an exact spot to kill monsters. Therefore, players can get the Brimstone Key throughout their task as a drop. The drop rate for the keys depends on the level of combat for the monster to osrs fire cape service be killed . It ranges from 1/30 and 1/300.