How to Create the Perfect Profile for Private Tuition and Attract New Students:

You'll need to discover new pupils if you’ve determined private tutoring in Dubai are for you and examined the applicable subject topics. This is the most challenging part of being a tutor for many people, therefore we've written this chapter to help you find new pupils for private tutoring in Dubai.

Photo for your profile

Because this is likely the first thing students see, making a solid first impression is critical. Use a high-resolution photo of yourself that makes you appear nice and professional. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Make sure you're not using a group photo or one with youngsters.

  • Keep the shot tight and include your top shoulders; this should take precedence over your creative new hairstyle (which can change in a few weeks). You don't want to look like a floating head, and you don't want your face to take up more than 10% of the image, so crop the shot in so we can see every aspect of your wonderful face.

The Tagline

To advertise you, the tag line should be a brief, concise summary. This is your page's title and the first thing parents will see when they look at the search results pages, so make sure it says:

  • Your main subject(s) of instruction

  • Your location

  • Something to set you apart


Decide on an hourly rate 


Your profile serves as a sales pitch. It's not only an opportunity to illustrate how you're different from other teachers; it's also an opportunity to show off some of your softer abilities. Students are looking for a private tutoring in Dubai that possesses both the requisite qualifications and an engaging teaching style.

Students who believe your teaching style will be the same will be turned off by a long-winded and repetitious profile. Potential clients are more likely to read on if you have a short profile that is packed with active verbs and flows nicely.


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