All You Need to Know About Squirrel Guards

solar panel squirrel guard


A squirrel or critter guard is important when you install a solar panel. This is mostly for the houses that are prone to the infestation of the friendly neighborhood animals like squirrels, birds, and other animals that love your roof as a shelter.


The narrow opening of the solar panels and the high vantage point of the roof are perfect for giving shelter to mostly tree animals like squirrels. These rodents also look for shelter and protection from predators. A critter or squirrel guard can protect the solar panel wires from their chewing or gnawing. Also, when you have squirrels and other animals nearby, you need to address the problem immediately.


What is a squirrel or critter guard? 


solar panel squirrel guard is designed to prevent rodents from entering the area underneath the solar panels by providing a protective layer of mesh barrier around it. The guard limits the access of squirrels but allows ventilation for the solar panel system so that it can perform efficiently.


It’s not very important to have a squirrel guard installed, but you can always consider it. Once the rodents build their new home under the panels, they can be hard to remove, especially if the nest has been there an entire season. For this not only do you have to call the pest control service, but you have to contact the solar service provider to fix the wires that have been damaged by the squirrels and other rodents.


Changing the solar panel will not be cheap, but it will also add the visit of the installer. So, you have to consider your options carefully.


While buying a solar panel squirrel guard you need to choose a reputed seller, who will not only sell the product but will install it. Also, make sure that the company offers follow-up services.


Squirrel guards can be installed at the time of the installation of the solar panels, or later when you see the rodent problem is unavoidable. If your solar panel is under PPA or lease, you need to inform them about the squirrel guard, so that there are no obligations for you to keep the warranty. If you have purchased it by cash or loan, you have the freedom to install a critter guard.


The best feature of a critter or squirrel guard is that they are aesthetically satisfactory. When installed perfectly, squirrel guards are hard to notice from the ground level. You just have to make sure that the guard is installed properly. The critter must be on the edges of the solar panel, and not on top of the system, otherwise, it can affect the efficiency. There should be some inches of the mesh laying on the roof or none at all. This is because; the panels must not look like it has a cape.


Get peace of mind with the solar panel: 


Once you have bought the solar panel, you expect it to lower the energy consumption and you get to save money on electric bills. But when a rodent nesting issue comes up after the installation, it will not just waste your time, but a huge amount of money too, when you have to repair the system. So, it’s wise to have a solar panel squirrel guard, and you will get rid of the issues of squirrel or bird nests.


Even though you love nature and animals, you have to save yourself from the adverse side of it. You can feed squirrels on trees, but keep them away from your rooftop solar panel.

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