What is Reflexology?

Reflexology, or foot reflexology, is a traditional alternative health practice involving the applying gentle pressure to specific parts of the hands and feet. There is a belief that some areas of the feet and hands are more sensitive than others. The practitioner puts stress to these points in order to stimulate blood flow , and also relax muscles and joints. There are many who question the efficacy of reflexology when it comes to treating certain conditions. Many people have experienced relief from reflexology by including it into their daily routine.

Reflexology sessions typically last anywhere from one to two minutes to two hours. The sessions can be conducted privately or in the presence of professionals who are certified. When a professional chooses not to take part in a private session, a massage may be scheduled by the same person. These treatments aim to treat specific areas of the feet and hands through the application of pressure. This method is different from most other forms of therapy in that it does not need applying creams or oils.

The reflexologist will need to determine the exact problem area before performing the reflexology massage. After they identify the trouble areas and applying pressure to this zone. Practitioners will ask patients to apply pressure on the location that is being examined for a period of time at the end of each session. This allows their hands and feet to become more comfortable with the process. You can have a foot massage in one session or spread over multiple sessions. Many people discover visiting the same location for massages over time can help them relax and receive top-quality outcomes.

People who wish to use fertility reflexology to enhance fertility are often advised to do a sequence of massage techniques to increase the stimulation of reflex points of the hands and feet. The autonomic nervous systems is thought to play a function in determining the process of achieving fertility. It is believed that acupuncture can increase fertility by increasing amounts of estrogen and progesterone within the body. They control menstrual cycles as well as stimulating menstruation. Reflexology for fertility is thought to enhance blood flow, increase energy levels and improve rhythm, and relieve stress.

Women often choose reflexology as part or an overall wellness program as it eases pain, aids in weight loss and circulation and enhances overall well-being. The theory behind reflexology is that contact triggers the body's natural response to it. The therapy works through the reflexes of your feet and hands. This connection is what is the basis for this kind of treatment.

A variety of health conditions could be caused by malfunctions of the autonomic nerve system. The heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate, as well as temperature and hormone levels and blood flow are evaluated by reflexology. The blood pressure could affect menstrual cycle regulation as well as the ovulation cycle. For infertility or other reproductive-related problems, reflexology may be useful. Reflexology is a method to assist in weight loss and maintain healthy levels of cholesterol.

The use of reflexology could be a component of a integrated treatment regimen or just a small part of it. An experienced Reflexology practitioner will be able to evaluate your health condition and suggest treatment strategies. It is believed that Reflexology works to strengthen your body's natural defenses to manage discomfort. The practice of reflexology may help you when you're struggling with pain or are suffering from a different problem.

The treatment offered by this method cannot be used as an alternative to traditional treatments or medical treatments. Reflexology should be used only to fulfill the purpose for which it was designed. In most cases, it is best to combine it with other methods of wellness such as yoga, nutrition, and exercise. If there are reflex points that are stimulated through a foot massage, or if there's a necessity to control certain hormones that are present in our body, reflexology might assist.