Technical SEO Audit Checklist: Step By Step Website SEO Audit Checklist for 2022

A Technical SEO audit of any website helps you to find the SEO errors of that website that may be causing the low rankings or performance issues in search engines.

How to Do Technical SEO Audit of any Website in 2022?


Do you often complain about the unstable performance of your website? Audit your website from an SEO point of view to find out what are the factors that are preventing your growth. Whether it is Google penalty or any other factors with website technical SEO audit you will be able to find out mistakes or missing points. Today, we are going to share the website technical SEO audit checklist with you so you can audit your website for better Website SEO rankings in 2022.

Technical SEO audit is not all about finding flaws and limitations of the website, but it offers long-term benefits to your business and website SEO performance. To perform a technical SEO audit one must have good knowledge of technical SEO. You can check example SEO reports and SEO checklists before website audits. This is what an expert SEO company does for you when you hire them for SEO services.

You can audit a website without any professional assistance as well. Performing audit for your website is not that easy, but here we are sharing factors that could make SEO audit easy for your website.

How To Do Technical SEO Audit Of Website?

Technical SEO Audit Checklist: Step By Step Process To Audit A Website

Technical SEO Audit Video for Beginners

Is Indexing Of A Zombie Page Good For SEO?

The first part of our SEO audit checklist is the indexing of Zombie Pages. The answer is no. Indexing pages that do not serve relevant information or are outdated can make SEO more difficult. It is suggested to delete zombie pages and stop their indexing it will make your SEO effort more relevant. 

You can prevent indexing of pages that no longer provide relevant content like Archive, search page, tags ad category pages and make your SEO effort more relevant. Removing zombie pages will improve organic traffic. So if you have indexed old pages to make the website more content-rich then it is suggested to remove irrelevant pages and get more organic traffic.

Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly:

Website Mobile-Friendly

If we talk about the SEO audit of any website then you can’t ignore this part to include in your SEO audit checklist. Since the majority of internet users are now relying on smartphones for accessing the internet and browsing websites, so it has become essential to have a mobile-friendly website. You would be surprised to know, that more than 60% of searches are made from mobile devices and now Google has also launched a mobile-first algorithm. You can check online using a tool whether your website is mobile-friendly or not. It would suggest recommendations to make the website more user-friendly that would ultimately improve website performance

Is Google Indexing More Than One Version Of Your Website?

There are chances that Google might be indexing different versions of your website. A website can have different versions for example:


Though for the common users it is the same for Google bot they are different. Check your website online and if you find such an issue present on your website. Fixing it easier, all you have to do is put redirection and you will find your visitors at the right version of the website.

Take The Speed Test Of A Website:

website speed audit

A website with fast loading speed ranks better and when everyone is browsing the website through a mobile it is becoming more crucial to have a website with fast loading. Take a loading test for the website and if the website takes a longer time, then it is suggested to check the code part to find the reason. Apart from coding, crunching the size of images will also improve the load speed and make sure your hosting plan suits your website requirements. Sometimes the website owners choose cheap hosting plans to save money, but spending on a good hosting plan will improve the website’s speed and performance.  This is one of the best features of a good website. Always trust an experienced website development company to reduce the website development cost.

Is Google Indexing All The Relevant Pages?

While performing site auditing consider how many pages of a website are indexed by google and how many pages are left. The pages you don’t want to get indexed can be freed from getting indexed by adding robots.txt or NOINDEX Tag, but if you have accidentally put any of these tags on the page that you want to get indexed then check the codes.

Improve On-Page SEO

The technical SEO audit is incomplete unless it focuses on the on-page SEO of a website. Target meta tags, keyword density, and relevancy. A well-placed on-page SEO can diminish the demand for rigorous backlinking. Focus on primary keywords and try to include them in meta titles and descriptions. Try to use the primary keyword within 100 words. Focus on keywords that are highly relevant to your website and visitors and put them on the relevant page at relevant places and see the difference.

On-Page SEO Factors

  1. Use of Meta Robots tag: This HTML Tag is used in between the head code on a page. This tag is used to give specific instructions to search engines on how to translate the page’s content.
    Example, meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”
    Using this tag helps search engines to know about the pages that are not to be indexed.  You can also use this tag for index or noindex images, pages follow, or no-follow links on a webpage.
  2. Page source Meta Tags: The page source Meta tag is the information that is displayed on the search engine result pages by the search engines. The Meta tags define your webpage and have a major impact on the user as they click on any web page on the basis of the Meta tags. Meta tags act as a descriptor as it tells the user what content they can expect when they click on the resulting link. Meta tags do not have a direct impact on the ranking, but they increase the search engine result pages Click through Rate. You can view the source code of your webpage and check the title description in the head tag.
  3. Page Heading tags: Page heading h1 tag is found at the top of the webpage and displays the title of the page. H1 can be different from the title tag of the webpage.There should be only one H1 tag on each webpage and the rest of the sub-heads can be named under h2, h3, h4, and more.The h1 tag is important to be present on a web page as it tells the search engine about the important content on the webpage.
  4. XML Sitemap: An XML Sitemap file helps search engines to crawl and understand your website in a better way. XML Sitemap helps in improving the indexation of your website. You can set a “crawl budget” i.e. define the most important web page on your website.
  5. Use of Alt Tags for images: Search engines are unable to crawl the images and understand what the image is and deliver it in the search queries without the use of alt tags.When the alt text will be applied, it will appear at its place even when the image is unable to open and provides a description of the image.
  6. Check custom 404 Page: Sometimes deleting content from the site is best for you. If this is the case then you should make a custom 404 error pages as this helps the user search engine to know that the page has been removed from the site.
  7. 302 Redirects: It tells the search engine that the page has been moved temporarily. It prevents the new URL from getting indexed by Google as Google believes that at some point you will revert back to the redirected URL.

Keyword Analysis

Keyword audit

keywords analysis is a significant part of the website audit as it is the keyword selection that determines the website’s performance. It is very important to target the right keywords. A well-implemented website audit will help in targeting high-value keywords. 

SEO Audit Video

Use Audit Tools

Many SEO tools can make website audit easier for your site auditing will help in targeting the right keywords. Few keywords are easy to target and achieve, whereas few are hard to crack, the SEO audit helps in determining which set of keywords to target and what changes to make on-page to achieve the result. These audit tools are comprehensive and check all the facts. 

Competitor Analysis

When you wish to stay in the market, then it is not all about you, but you have to focus on your competitors as well. Learn from their mistakes and drawbacks and improve your website accordingly.  

Keyword Rank Tracking

Track keyword ranking in search engine results in pages through a keyword ranking tool. There are tools like SEM Rush that not just track the keyword ranking one wants to check, but also find keywords that the website rank for.

website backlinks audit

The performance and ranking of a website depend on many factors and backlinks still play a crucial role in determining a website’s performance and ranking in SERP. Analyze the backlink profile using the backlink analysis tool to find out the backlink profile, domains, and domain authority. A website with quality backlinks performs better. It is suggested not to get backlinks from spammy websites as it might lower the website’s reputation. There are tracker tools that could give a complete backlink profile, including the website’s reputation. 

broken backlinks audit

SEO audit is incomplete unless broken links are tracked and fixed. Broken links are bad for users as well as for the website. There are tools for checking broken links, finding all the broken links, fixing them and getting all the pages indexed by Google. 

The Content Has To Be Outstanding

It is the content that speaks for your business and connects with the online users. The rule is simple, write short, informative content. Break them into small paragraphs, and use bullets and pointers to make the content engaging and impressive. The content has to be a perfect blend of information, keywords, and presentation. If you can align these three factors, then, it becomes easier to connect with the users. Add tips, tricks, examples, and images to make content more engaging.

Make A Website Structure Simple

website structure audit

Keep your website structure simple, and organized as it is crucial from an SEO point as well. It is the site structure that helps in indexing all the pages. If the website structure is bulky or messy then there are chances of getting lost. A clean, simple, and inflow architecture helps search engines in determining the relevancy of the web pages as well. Keep your website structure flat. The tree-like structure supporting smooth navigation will not only improve the user’s experience but also help search engines in indexing pages as well. Put internal links wisely to keep the website structure, smooth and connected. 

Rewrite Duplicate Meta Tags

while exploring different aspects of a website for audit don’t forget to pay attention to duplicate meta tags. These tags have the potential to influence a website’s performance and user experience. Find and replace duplicate meta content with unique and relevant content and experience the difference in the website’s performance. 

Write Content-Rich And Post

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