My family is a huge fan of camping and there is nothing more enjoyable than camping. But we always have technology with

From the beginning, I would like to stress that We are a camping and outdoor family. We have as much as we can with the natural world. We have pets, cats and we bring them along. We're one happy family who enjoys camping. We all know where we are, what brought us there and also the location of water and where to enjoy our time watching TV together. We don't want to give up our little pleasures and go home without any music or entertainment. We insist on having a generator as well as an incredibly small 32" screen. People often think that we're as if we are nomads without a home and no land.. No, we live in Seattle and our father works as a lawyer with a obscure company that pays him a an enormous salary. Mother states that's why that he loves to camp four times a months - trying not to be a burden on his occupation..

Our cats are independent and go through their day-to-day lives in the surrounding area. We love spending time in the campfire, playing songs, and conversing. Funny, they always know when it is time to return for the goin home part.. There were times when we've had to leave one or both in the wilderness, but luckily we go to the same national park pretty much each time we go out, so finding them again on the next trip always proves the easy task. Joiner is an ox-blood breed hunter who finds our kitties when we return. They never lose weight and they love their time.

We love our smartphones and tablets while at campfire, it is not something we are against. We are tech-savvy and don't mind when they get lost, even when on camping trips. Our father, however, doesn't think about it, he shuts off his cell phone for the entire weekend. He says it helps him relax. After a day of hunting and fishing, we enjoy a large meal in the woods. After dinner, we sit down to watch the TV or music videos or shows that we have downloaded before our trip. A majority of the time, we can't connect to the Internet in the forest. This may be why our parents don't mind our phones being ringing. In the end we get bored and have no emails to reply. Most of us copy videos before leaving for trips using Youtube clip converters or other video downloader sites. Of course HULU with its download features helps super good, because it lets us watch hours of movies and shows downloaded and copied to our laptops prior to departure. Videos and series are very beneficial for camping trips. 3 hour long journeys with campers aren't always enjoyable. My father is a huge fan of this time. He focuses on his road, and needs to be able to handle the huge machine.

GPS is another component of technology that we'll never give up during our camping excursions. It's essential in an emergencies to know where you stand and how to return to home. Although nothing has happened to us on our trip, we have been told of those suffering from snow and avalanches. If you're aware of the safest location, GPS will always point you towards it. Friendly satellites in the sky are always pointing GPS in the proper direction. So we rely on yet another technology to help get our safety to and from the camping site.. A helicopter is able to zoom in on your GPS position to locate you in an emergency. It is also recommended to carry a GPS along on any journey that's remote. It is best to not ignore technology when it's important for life.

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