senior dating

1. Have more sex

This is probably the number one thing that I learned in my early 20s. We know that if you are monogamous, you are more likely to stay that way for longer. But there is no reason you can't lead a sex-positive life while enjoying the occasional hookup and trying not to get attached. If you're interested in something long-term, have an open mind and keep your expectations reasonable. Look, people like to say things like "I just fell in love with you and want to spend the rest of my life with you" and we know they're lying to themselves. It happens to all of us. So, for your own good, see things as they are.
If you're in a relationship, have more sex. If you need space and want to be clear about what you want, have more sex. While it might be obvious that hooking up feels good and you want to get out there more, some women are hesitant to give themselves the pleasure of being pursued by men, or take the time to enjoy their sexuality. The truth is that sex is what people want most in a relationship, and being single is lonely. If you're not really into what you're doing, quit. It's only going to get worse. Sex is an intimate experience, and it's easy to overlook the more touchy-feely sides of being pursued in favor of getting physically stimulated and achieving an orgasm.
Women are often wary of sexual advances from men when they've already gotten into a committed relationship, and that has a lot to do with the rampant double standard that exists between the sexes. Studies show that when men are single, they are interested in most women sexually. But when women are single, the situation is just the opposite. These double standards are oppressive and harmful, and can create a toxic relationship dynamic in which women feel comfortable and think they owe it to a man to be with him. Why should a woman expect to have to prove herself as a partner when a man isn't expected to do the same?
In relationship, you should have even more sex. Sex is a gift, and it's not only enjoyable for you, it makes your partner feel wanted and desirable. The fact that you're in a committed relationship doesn't negate that. Even if you don't have sex every single day, you should have your sex life spiced up, and you need to really put time and effort into doing it. The worst thing you can do
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