Coming up next are the top shooters for three places in NBA 2K22

Find out how you can get your Gym Rat Badge within NBA 2K22, a training device that helps to improve the attributes of any player that is equipped NBA 2K Coins. The Gym Rat Badge in NBA 2K22 can boost the stats of all players with it. A Gym Rat Badge offers players an ongoing boost to their attributes and makes it unnecessary for them to train.


Like all badges such as like all badges, the Gym Rat Badge has an important role in forming the best team with the basketball 2K22 MyCareer campaign. With out having the Gym Rat Badge, improving players' qualities requires them to adhere to more rigorous training routines - as though they're really members of the NBA.


It is the Gym Rat badge one of the many badges in NBA 2K22. The process of acquiring the Gym Rat badge is a different process on last-generation and current-generation systems; the PS5 as well as Xbox Series X|S have their own method that differs in comparison to Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC. Last-generation players are going to be a little more challenging to acquire this Gym Rat Badge, but after acquiring it, the badge is a great benefit.


One of the problems with NBA 2K22 running on systems from the past is that it does not have some of the features found on the latest-generation systems. In order to unlock for the Gym Rat Badge on the last generation of systems, players need to win the NBA Championship. Much like the newly introduced Auction House feature in NBA 2K22.


In the career mode, playing to complete this task will be familiar for players who have played in the past NBA 2K games. Once you've earned a spot as team captain it is possible to play simulation games rather than playing every game by hand 2K22 MT Buy. This could reduce some of the time it takes to play however, players will have a little less control over the outcome of games.