harms of plastic


‘Say no to plastic!’
‘Plastic is drastic.’
‘Life in plastic is not fantastic!’

Heard these lines earlier as well?
Yet, we see around us the ever-increasing wider use of plastic. Right from the beginning of the day with brushing, we become ingenuine plastic users for the entire day. The toothbrush, the toothpaste tube, the shampoo bottle, the nylon body scrubber, the comb, the earbuds, the face cream containers, the bags we use for grocery, fruits and vegetable shopping, the straws and glasses we use for an unplanned juice break in the market, the packs of all the processed eatables, the mineral water bottles we buy, the kids’ toys, the pens we use, the bottles of cleaning agents, the food packs we take home from a restaurant, the garbage bags we give to our ragpicker daily and the list is endless; everything houses plastic in it. But the crucial point of concern is that we never pause to give it a thought. 


harms of plastic

38 الآراء