Why Should You Take Proper Care of Your Dog’s Oral Health?

Appropriate dental care will keep your pet from developing many dental health problems, such as periodontal disease, caused by the upsurge of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria form a coating over the teeth known as plaque. Once the bacteria pass away, they can become calcified by the calcium in your dog’s saliva. This is tartar which can lead to gingivitis, which can cause an infection in the tooth’s root. In the final stage of periodontal disease, the tissues near the tooth are smashed, and the socket that grasps the tooth erodes, making the tooth wobbly.

Another common dental issue is broken teeth. Chewing on hard toys and treats can break your dog’s teeth. A broken tooth can reveal the tooth’s nerve, which is very aching for your pet. Additionally, the exposed nerve can become contaminated and cause even more issues for your pet. In such cases, they should be removed.

Importance of the Best dog dental care

1. Cleaning your dog’s teeth regularly can help stop that odor from developing. Otherwise, the food particles sticking to their teeth and gums will form plaque. It is the same biological process that occurs in humans.

2. Over time, your dog’s teeth can become damaged or impure. Severe, lingering damage can cause their teeth to slacken or even fall out. By paying attention to dental care for dogs, you can ensure those teeth-supporting structures stay healthy and strong. Then, your dog’s teeth will be in position, this will make it simpler for them to chew and play. Otherwise, your dog can have issues eating, which could result in malnutrition or other health concerns.

3. Gingivitis and periodontal disease can cause pain. Dental disease can become painful for dogs. You can stop oral pain by keeping your dog’s teeth and gums healthy. Otherwise, they might not want to eat and can experience mood changes.

4. The bacteria that cause plaque to develop can enter the bloodstream. After it travels through the body, the bacteria can stretch to the heart, liver, and kidneys. This is known as bacteremia. It can cause organ damage and make your dog unwell. By paying attention to dental care for dogs, you can keep your dog happy and healthy for a long time!

Several pet dental clinics are there where you can take your dog so that it can have healthy gums and teeth.