Robert and custom cupcake boxes

Little did Robert know that custom cupcake boxes will bring twice as much business for him. For a decade, Robert’s father had been running a small but renowned café. It had excellent coffee and breakfast options. Then his father’s cousin relocated from France after two decades back. He was an expert at making cupcakes. The two cousins expanded the café to include fresh cupcakes, which gained popularity all over the state. But his father was old-school and never invested in custom cupcake boxes. He thought that the unmarked, brown custom printed cupcake boxes were enough. He thought quality alone could help him win against the competition. After his demise, Robert was expected to run the family business. His first primary challenging task was changing the mindset of his uncle. He had partnered with his father, and Robert needed to convince him to invest in custom printed cupcake boxes.

Robert knew that the quality of his café’s cupcakes was unmatched. Individuals flocked from faraway places to try their cupcakes and coffee. But the business was still suffering because they were not offering home deliveries. Even if they were, it was in set-up boxes, which carried no branding for their café. Despite high-quality food, they were not on the top of the minds of their customers. He knew that the print and packaging companies of the modern world had revolutionized the food and beverage industry, and manufacturers of custom cupcake packaging boxes were crafting solutions to help their clients boost their sales. He had to convince his uncle to include home deliveries to a broader geographical area and to order custom cupcake packaging boxes for these orders. It was a difficult task but not impossible.

Benefits of cupcake packaging boxes

Robert explained the multiple benefits of cupcake packaging boxes to his uncle. He elucidated how the market had become saturated with countless cupcake options from the local and the international chains. Robert made him realize that people genuinely do not have time on their hands and prefer convenience over taste. But yes, if they get tasty meals, they switch over to the respective brand easily. Robert’s uncle questioned him about the quality of the cupcakes offered by the cafés and food chains nearby. Robert assured him that none of them were as good as what they offered. Soon he had convinced him to invest in these boxes and use branded cupcake boxes for their home deliveries. Robert made sure not to print branding elements on these boxes along with;

1. Promotional offers and deals

2. Conant address

3. Postal address

4. Website and social media information

5. Numbers to place orders

and related details. Their phone started ringing within a few weeks, and they received more orders than they ever did before.

The local and international cupcake brands can opt for cupcake packaging boxes according to their requirements and branding needs. Companies can select from food-grade, biodegradable stocks to pack cupcakes safely for home deliveries. The stock used for cupcake boxes helps in keeping them fresh and free from impacts during transportation. They also work as promotional tools letting the target market know of the different deals available. Many companies select one or two-colored printing for their custom cupcake boxes.

Custom cupcake boxes for all

These boxes can be ordered in any size and shape. There are triangular boxes available for individual cupcakes. They are crafted to facilitate the customers who want something different. If you are a brand seeking such customization tools, get in touch with ClipnBox now! Cupcakes can’t talk to customers but ClipnBox custom cupcake boxes can. Let our packaging boxes protect your cupcakes and promote your brand.

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