Tips to Double your Facebook traffic

With over 1.44 billion monthly active users and over 900 million daily active users, it is fair to say that Facebook is the top social network in terms of the user base. The growing popularity and importance of Facebook make it an important social network for your business to effectively improve it. Facebook has made rules over the years that now make it harder for business pages to bring their content to the audience, but once you get a large audience to view your Facebook content If so, they will return to your Facebook page several times. Remember that most of the 900 million people who log in to Facebook every day also spend more than an hour a day on social media say the Digital Marketing Jacksonville experts. Facebook is still important, and as the days go by its importance increases. If you haven't made Facebook better for your business, now is the time to get started. If you already have a Facebook page or you want to get one, this Facebook page needs more traffic. Here are top ways to drive traffic to your Facebook page



1.      Promote your Facebook page on your other social networks.


One of the most basic ways to promote your Facebook page is to promote it in front of an audience that you have already created. 


I use my social networks to promote each other and depending on my needs at the moment, I can spend extra time promoting any of my social networks. When I decided to return to YouTube, I went to Twitter to promote the channel. 


I have gained thousands of subscribers to my YouTube channel since the promotion started. This great story about my YouTube channel is a great story that you can copy to your Facebook page to get thousands of likes. You don't want to be overly promotional on social media, but it's okay to promote yourself and your other social media accounts often.




2.      Promote your Facebook page on your blog.


WordPress plugins allow you to display your Facebook page and some of its posts directly on your blog. If visitors to your blog like your content, they will be more likely to like your Facebook page. 


However, visitors to your blog will only like your Facebook page if you add a call to action. You can add a call to action through the sidebar of your blog. If you don't have a fancy widget or plugin that displays your Facebook page and the Like button, you can always take a picture of the Facebook logo that reads "Like Us On Facebook" or something like that. Anything else you can link to your Facebook page. . That way, when someone clicks on the "Like Us On Facebook" image on the sidebar of your blog, it will be redirected to your Facebook page. 




3.      Tell us about your email list


Now that you know how to promote your Facebook page to your existing audience, why not keep a short list of emails? If you send meaningful e-mail blasts to your subscribers, your e-mail list will be your best tool for growth in traffic, sales, and social media. When you start with your first Facebook page or take an old Facebook page more seriously, you can tell people on your email list about the change say the Digital Marketing Jacksonville experts. 


The people on your email list are usually your biggest supporters, and in addition to the likes and engagements from your Facebook page's email blast, you may also receive emails from people on your list. Some enjoy what you are doing with your Facebook page. Or just enjoy your brand as a whole. Emails like these are very encouraging, and they never get old. Even the most successful, inspiring people like it when they have more motivation to do something.




4.      Join Facebook groups.


Have you ever heard the saying, "Go where your audience is"? When you search for keywords that revolve around your niche, you will find active Facebook groups with thousands of people in your niche. People who are part of the Facebook group will probably click the Like button on your Facebook page, but only if they see your Facebook page. 


The best way for people to see and like your page in a Facebook group is if you join the group through your Facebook page instead of joining it through your account. Joining Facebook groups with your page allows every comment or post added to the group to promote your Facebook page. When other group members hover their mouse over your name, they will see your Facebook page and Like button and "Ad Friend" option instead of a personal account. When you participate in Facebook groups, you must participate according to the rules of the group. 99% of the time, this means you are not promoting your Facebook page in a post or comment. You can post and comment using your Facebook page, but the moment you post something on the "please like my Facebook page" posts, you will lose respect in this group and you will probably Will be kicked out Before joining the group, see how other people in the group interact with each other. By watching how other people communicate, you will learn how to communicate in a way that other group members will see and appreciate. 



5.      Exchange noise out with other Facebook pages.


One of the best ways to get the most out of a Facebook page is to share it with other Facebook pages. SEO expert Neil Patel used this one strategy to collect thousands of likes for one of his Facebook pages. Once your Facebook page hits a certain number of likes you should contact the owners of the Facebook pages. Which are similar to your Facebook page and demand a noise-out exchange. 


If you are an expert in digital marketing, with the Facebook page about digital marketing, you will use this strategy to target other digital marketers who have successful Facebook Pages.


The number of people you contact should be as close as you can. If you contact someone with less than the number of likes you like, you won't get a good deal. If you contact someone with 10 times more likes, that person will not agree to shit out exchange because that person will not get a good deal.


If you have 3,000 likes, you should contact the people who have 2,500-5,000 likes on their Facebook page. That way, more people will say yes to your noise request. You can both agree to delete the shoutout post eight hours after sending the shoutout post so that your Facebook pages do not look too promotional. Most Facebook page owners don't say such requests, but if you have 10 people with 3,000 likes say yes, your Facebook page will be placed in front of 30,000 additional people who like your page. Can choose You also get the benefit of helping someone else in your position to grow and flourish on Facebook. With this strategy, you and the Facebook page owners who agree to the Noise Out Exchange will take each other to the next level.




6.      Post multiple times per day.


You can generate traffic from your blog and other social networks, but you must generate traffic from Facebook states the experts from Digital Marketing Agency Jacksonville. One way to get traffic from Facebook is to exchange noise-outs with other Facebook pages that are similar to yours, but one important way to get more traffic from Facebook is to post to your Facebook page several times a day. 


Not only do you need to post multiple times a day on your Facebook page to get more traffic, but posting multiple times a day on your Facebook page allows you to build a strong bond between yourself and your audience. Which you have already created. There's no point in having a successful Facebook page with over 100,000 likes if you don't send and communicate with your audience.




7.      View your page's insights


With the Facebook page, you are provided with free Facebook page insights. These insights tell you when a large percentage of your audience is on Facebook, and this information will tell you which times of the day are the best places to post your content. For example, you might discover that more people in your audience are on Facebook every Tuesday at 6 pm than at any other time on Tuesday. 


You should basically send Facebook posts at the best times when you know your audience will see these posts so that those posts can spread more and attract more engagement. 




8.      Use Facebook Advertising


Facebook ads are one of the most powerful forms of promotion on Facebook, and some people rely on Facebook ads to get millions of likes. Some marketers have completed the system and get thousands of likes for less than $ 100. If you spent $ 10 per day on Facebook ad advertising, and you refined your ad to perform well, your Facebook page could potentially receive thousands of likes for only $ 300 per month. can. It takes time and practice to get to this point, but once you reach the point where you can get thousands of likes for a few hundred dollars, you will have a large audience to interact with. 


If you have landing pages to get more subscribers, and you will promote your landing pages to your Facebook audience then your email list is great. Will grow up the result of a large email list is that the next time you advertise a product, you will generate more revenue, and some of that extra revenue may go to Facebook ads. It is a matter of starting this cycle in a place where you can always count on it for your business.






With the number of daily active Facebook users reaching 1 billion, the importance of Facebook pages is constantly increasing. If you spend every day building up your Facebook audience, your Facebook audience could potentially change your brand. You can start your Facebook development by spending some money on Facebook ads, but only if you are not posting new content on your Facebook page and taking the time to interact with your audience. If so, this development will not make any difference. Do you use Facebook for your brand? Do you think Facebook's new rules limit business pages to where results are not worth the time and money? Do you have any additional tips to generate more traffic to your Facebook page? Please share your thoughts and suggestions below.